Page 38 of The Last Invitation

Not what Jessa expected. She almost hated to ask for more information but did anyway. “What did you say to her?”

Covington finally looked at Jessa. “Tell me how concerned I should be about your behavior.”

Uh...“Not at all.”

“People are going to dig around and find the worst, Jessa. They’ll look at your law school performance. Your friends. Your activities. The meetings you attend. The groups you join. Your previous casework here and at your other firm.”

Okay, that last part could be problematic. No one had a shiny, perfect record. There were issues and bad calls, totally unrelated to her legal prowess, that could be embellished and taken the wrong way. “I’ve done good work for this firm.”

Covington sighed. “That’s a classic lawyer nonanswer.”

Fine.She jumped right to the point. “I didn’t tell Ellie Bartholomew to run.”

“She says you did.”

“Her husband threatened her. Clearly, that’s the only explanation.”

Covington’s stiff stance unclenched a bit. “Do you have proof of that?”

She’d thought about it from the minute the detective left the office. “Not yet, but I’m going to ask the judge for a hearing. Let Darren come into court and try to defend his actions. I don’t think Ellie will be able to hold his lie together under oath or during cross-examination.”


Jessa had other ideas, but the curtnostopped her. “To which part?”

“As of right now, you’re suspended. You are not authorized to work on behalf of this firm, including as the GAL for Curtis Bartholomew. Any work you do from now forward will be at your own peril. The law firm’s liability insurance will not cover you.” He put a sealed envelope on her desk.

She assumed the letter contained notice of the law firm action. She refused to let him drop it and run. He needed to say whatever he had to say right to her face. “Why aren’t you supporting me?”

“This will be an administrative suspension with pay while the firm conducts an independent review of—”

“Answer me.” This was ass-covering bullshit. They both knew it, but only she had the guts to admit it. “You can’t believe these allegations are true.”

He glanced at his notes. Flipped the first page, letting her see the lines of scribble from a blue pen. “Did anything happen at your previous firm that might show a tendency for recklessness?”

As if she would let all her secrets come tumbling out. She knew not to volunteer any more information. “Let me prove I didn’t do this. This is my reputation.”

He glanced up, giving her full eye contact. “It’s actually your career. If we find you failed to do your duty or acted in contravention of the ethics rules—”

He sounded like a textbook, which sent her anxiety spinning. “Covington, please.”

“—we will join in the request that you be disciplined, including being disbarred.”

“If you’re so sure, or really not sure about me, why not just fire me?”

“That would reflect poorly on the firm. This way you get a fair review and still get paid.” He cleared his throat. “For now.”

One sharp knock and the office door opened. Two building security guards stepped inside. The same men who smiled at her and wished her a good morning every day.

“I need you to stand up and hand me your key card. These gentlemen will look in your bag to make sure you don’t have any firm property. After that, they will escort you out of the building.”

Her muscles refused to move. She tried to concentrate over loud buzzing in her head. “Don’t do this. I’m begging you.”

“Your access to the computer, including the sign-in feature from home, will be terminated, pending the investigation,” he continued as if he was reading from a list.

One of the security guards stepped around Covington and headed for Jessa. Not wanting to be dragged and not knowing how to stop the inevitable, she put her hands up in surrender. “I’ll go willingly. This... this isn’t necessary.”

Covington nodded for the guards to continue. “It’s firm policy.”