If the bar was that low, Elisa never wanted to be back in the dating pool. “But if you’re not safe?”

“Until now I thought I was.”

The words echoed through Elisa. “What changed?”

Rachel hesitated. She stared at the empty street then at her feet, everywhere except at Elisa. “I don’t like how he talks about you. His anger at you for not believing in him about Abby is wild, almost uncontrolled. Whatever made you change your mind about his involvement has him flailing. He expects unconditional support and thinks you should pay for not giving it to him.”

Elisa’s mind went back to the conversation she overheard in Josh’s kitchen. “And you’ve played along.”

Rachel’s head lifted again. “I admit I got sucked in at the beginning. I’m not proud of it. He starts talking and the way he talks makes you want to jump in.”


“It’s like being in high school. So juvenile, I know.” Rachel sighed. “I know you need to be somewhere else.”

Elisa no longer thought her appointment was the most important part of her day. “It’s a doctor thing.”

Rachel frowned. “Are you okay?”

“I haven’t felt great. I’ll have some bloodwork and get poked.” But Elisa didn’t want Rachel worrying about her. “I’m sure it’s fine.”

“Your health matters more.” Rachel gestured toward the cars. “Go.”

Elisa headed for her car then stopped. If Josh was desperate and thought he had nothing left to lose... if Rachel let her guard down... “Promise me one thing. Be careful.”

Rachel let out a little laugh as she shook her head. “I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time.”

That wouldn’t stop a man hell-bent on killing her or making her disappear. “I’m serious.”

“It’s going to be fine, Elisa. We’ll both be fine. You’ll see.”

Chapter Forty-Three

Harris was full of surprises today. He’d called Elisa as she left the lab, suggesting they pick up Nathan together and go for a trip to the park to run off Nathan’s excess energy then out to an early dinner.

The suggestion sounded great and any other time Elisa would be celebrating an evening without cooking and cleaning dishes, but the conversation with Rachel had thrown her off stride. She’d tried to call Rachel twice to talk about Josh and her safety but both times got voicemail. Not a surprise since she said something about having a talk or workshop today. Elisa had meant to ask where and more about it, but then Rachel started talking and finding out more about exactly where she worked became less of a priority. Still, the lack of a response put Elisa on edge.

She met Harris at the office and as expected ended up chatting with everyone there, including the pet owners, while Harris finished up theone moreclient he tried to squeeze in before leaving.

Harris rarely cut his workday short. Today, he’d startedlate and was leaving early. One of the technicians asked if it was Elisa’s birthday or their anniversary, and Elisa had been so scattered and distracted that she had to stop and do a mental check. No, no special occasion, not that she could remember, anyway.

That raised the possibility Rachel had talked to Josh, who had talked to Harris, and now Harris wanted to fight or defend him, but Elisa doubted it. She got the impression Rachel was pondering leaving Josh but keeping those thoughts quiet for now.

Ten minutes later Harris finally pulled away from work and people and met her in the lobby. “Hello there.”

“You promised me coffee,” she said, still battling a headache from the lack of caffeine this morning.

He put his hand on her lower back as he guided them through the door and out onto the sidewalk. “We’ll need coffee if we’re going to survive post-school, full-energy Nathan.”

“He gets that from you. I’d prefer to nap.”

Harris wiggled his eyebrows at her. “If you’d rather go home and rest before grabbing him...”

The combination of nonstop, low-grade dizziness and a general feeling of nothingness meant afternoon sex was the last thing on her mind. Anytime sex, actually. When she’d lost interest in getting out of bed and getting through the day, sex became her lowest priority.

She snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Stay focused.”

“Thought it was worth a try.”