Meredith tried to push Elisa’s hands off her car. “No, and please get away from me.”

“Not until—”

Meredith laid on her horn.

“Stop!” Elisa shot back. But it was a good play. In her position, Elisa would have done the same thing.

They had everyone’s attention now. Teachers and parents. Even a few kids pointed. Nathan stared wide-eyed from his car seat. Elisa turned off her phone, knowing any recording would be useless now.

Meredith lifted her hand but kept it hovering over the horn. “Please get back in your car.”

Elisa didn’t want to hear the blaring sound again. “Fine, but can we meet and talk about this?”

“No.” Meredith rolled up the window.

“But—” Elisa stepped back right before her fingers got caught. She stood there, staring at Meredith, but she’d turned up the radio and shifted into reverse.

Elisa knew she wouldn’t get any more. She didn’t even understand what she had learned, except that Josh had cheated on Abby, and Meredith, the woman he cheated with, thought he’d done something to Abby. None of that could be good... it also might mean trouble for Rachel.

Elisa jogged back to her car and got in. She sat there as her chest rose and fell on frantic breaths. It took another minute before she could remember how to turn on the car and move it out of Meredith’s way.

The second she had a few inches of room, Meredith reversed. She pulled out of the space with tires squealing and ignored the yells and head shaking as she pulled out of the lot and straight into the pickup line traffic without looking.

“Who was that?” Nathan asked.

“No one.” All she wanted to do was shake Josh. Sit him down and force him to tell the truth. No stalling or obfuscation. Just the truth. For once. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

Nathan treated her to ahumpfsound. “She seemed mad.”

No kidding. “She was concerned about something. I’ll talk with your dad about it.”

Elisa could almost hear the click in her head. She’d been analyzing and dissecting but couldn’t figure out the identity of the person who’d tried to warn Abby with those messages. Concerned.

Now she wondered if she’d stumbled upon the answer.

Chapter Twenty-Five

“Dad!” Nathan got all excited when he saw Harris’s car in the driveway. He practically bounced and ran to get to the door to say hello.

He’d always been like that with Harris. Her friends would complain about how little their partners chipped in when the kids were babies. Not Harris. He loved being a dad and did his share of diapers, baths, and feedings, even when his post-work exhaustion had him ready to drop. In return, Daddy meant everything to Nathan.

Elisa loved the relationship. Except for today. Today it meant Nathan would likely tattle before she could come up with a reasonable way of bringing up all the mess she’d uncovered over the last few days.

“Hey, buddy,” Harris said right as he caught Nathan in a big welcome-home hug.

She leaned over their bodies and gave Harris a quick kiss. “You’re early.”

“Josh said they were coming for dinner, so I decided to be a good husband and come home and help.” He glanced overhis shoulder at the grocery bags on the counter. “Even grabbed a few things on my way.”

Sweet except for the dinner guests part. That was news and not the great kind. “Josh and Rachel are coming here?”

Harris’s smile fell. “Yeah, didn’t you guys talk about that today?”

“No.” She had been too busy trying to assess Josh. Josh had been too busy pretending everything was fine.

Nathan stood between them and shook the nearly empty box of breakfast bars. “What about the lady from school?”

That had to be a record.