Harris’s voice pulled her back into the moment. She turnedto him. He looked tired from a long day and a bit harried, likely from having to leave the clinic early and grab Nathan. He didn’t mind doing transportation duty, but he usually had a heads-up first so he could rearrange his schedule.

She stood up and studied his expression, wondering if Josh had called and what the school said about her absence in the carpool lane. “I lost track of time.”

“That’s really it?”

No, that wasn’t even close to beingit. “Who’s Lauren?”

The question slipped out, but she didn’t regret it. She intended to talk to him about Lauren this evening, regardless of what mess Josh caused or how exhausted Harris was from his day.

Harris’s mouth dropped open but he didn’t answer. The lack of a response wasn’t like him at all. He didn’t hesitate or make up stories; at least, she thought that was true. These days she didn’t know what to believe, but the stark look on her husband’s face suggested something horrible was coming.

“Harris?” She’d run out of energy and tact. “Lauren. Josh. Spill now.”

He blinked a few times. “How do you know about Lauren?”

That didn’t sound good. Elisa’s curiosity grew. “No spinning. Who is she?”

Harris glanced at the door, likely to make sure little ears weren’t waiting out there in the hallway. Nathan couldn’t keep a secret to save his soul, but it looked like Harris could and she didn’t like that revelation at all.

Harris finally faced her. “Lauren was Josh’s wife.”

Chapter Eighteen

Wife. Wife. Wifewifewifewife. Elisa ran the words through her mind a few times. They still didn’t make sense.

“Josh was married to a woman named Lauren?”Please say no.She couldn’t tolerate any more secrets.

Harris gave her a slow nod. “Yeah.”

The even bigger question.Was? And when?

Harris closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. Still, he didn’t answer.

“What exactly are you saying, Harris? Or trying really hard not to say?” He seemed to be dancing and avoiding and otherwise not acting like the man she knew at all.

“Candace actually was Josh’s second wife. He was married once before, when he was much younger.” Harris exhaled. “To Lauren.”

They’d never talked about anyone named Lauren. Harris and Josh never told her about this other wife. She’d never seen a photo or heard a friend say the name. Josh’s now-not-first-wife Candace didn’t mention Lauren. Abby didn’t mention her. All of that suggested no one knew about thismarriage outside of a very tight group, which might consist only of two.

Sounded like Lauren wasn’t just another of Josh’s wives. She was a Wright family secret.

Elisa tried to stay calm when she wanted to stomp around and throw things. “Where is Lauren now?” Dread filled Elisa but she had to ask the question anyway. A part of her even guessed the answer before he said it.

“Lauren is dead.” Harris hesitated as if waiting for an explosion before starting to talk again. “But the answer to what you really want to know... it was an accident.”

Elisa’s hands went numb. All of her did. “Another accident? Another dead wife.”

“No, listen. I know how it looks and sounds, but no.” Harris held up both hands as he walked toward her. He stopped before he touched her.

“Who the hell keeps a dead wife secret?” She felt her family imploding. Everything she knew, all the truths she held on to and depended on, was false.

He shook his head. “It’s not that simple.”

“It is. You both lied. You did it without blinking and without any sign of remorse.” Pain, confusion, and fury moved through her. The sensations combined until her insides trembled.

“I wanted to tell you so—”

“Save it.” She couldn’t hear that right now. “And it’s not just about telling me. Lauren’s name should have come up after Candace died. Did the police know about a mysterious first wife? Did they ask questions?”