Page 121 of The Replacement Wife

Elisa knew the truth was so much worse. “That she’s dead.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry, but yes.” Shelby rubbed her hands together as she sat there. “Abby vanished. There’s no body, but there’s no evidence she’s still alive.”

“That makes me sick.”

“Josh had a pattern of hurting women. That will work against him now. The story is on the news. He’s expected to lose his job and along with that any reputation he may have. I don’t think this will end as well as he hopes.”

It wasn’t enough, but it was movement, and Elisa had to settle for that. “Good.”

“I can stay if you want. Make some tea and keep you company,” Shelby said.

“Tea?” Elisa winced. She might never be able to drink tea again. “Thanks, but Harris is on his way home.”

“Do you know what you’re going to say to him?”

“Yeah.” She would give him a chance. Exactly one.

Shelby stood up. “Oh, I do have some good news.”

“That would be nice.”

“It looks like the hospital is going to settle with Maxine’s family. The family wants an admission of fault, which is going to be a fight, but I doubt you’ll need to testify. I suspect once your lawyer is contacted, you’ll get an offer as well.”

“At least I can put that behind me.” Not the memories, but the ongoing anxiety about having to tell the story over and over and relive it each time. Elisa looked forward to that.

Shelby smiled. “So, next week. Why don’t we meet for coffee?”

“To discuss the settlement?” Elisa’s stomach turned over in response.

Shelby laughed. “No. No work at all.”

Right. Coffee. Like people did. Like she used to do with friends. “I’d love that,” Elisa said.

The front door opened and just missed hitting Shelby in the back. Harris jumped when he saw her then apologized.

“It’s fine. I was just leaving.” Shelby winked at Elisa. “Text me if you need me.”

Elisa knew that amounted to a promise, and not just about the case.

Harris closed the door behind Shelby. When he turned to Elisa, pain and remorse showed on his face. He looked exhausted, weary enough to drop. The half-untucked dress shirt and ruffled hair were a stark contrast to his usual put-together self.

“Elisa, I... I’m sorry.”

“For what?” It was a test of sorts but everything depended on his answer.

“Not listening to you. Not believing you. For making youthink you had to hide things from me. That you had to walk into danger without me.” He shook his head as his expression turned bleaker. “But mostly for putting you in danger.”

“You didn’t do the last one.” He had a lot to answer for, but not that.

“I did.”

She sighed, letting him know she didn’t agree. “I’m not interested in being married to a martyr. Let your brother take the blame since this was his mess.”

He gestured to the stair next to her and she nodded for him to sit down. It was a tight squeeze on the step with their arms touching, but the closeness gave her comfort.

He stared at his hands. “I didn’t know about what really happened to Lauren.”

“I know. I would have changed the locks by now if I thought you did.” She switched the subject because she needed to and because she was desperate to hold her son. “Where’s Nathan?”