“She called me after she got your text with that photo of Meredith. We raced to the house. Called the police and an ambulance.” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Seeing you on the kitchen floor. Elisa...”
She didn’t want to talk about what happened. Not yet. “How bad is Josh?”
“He’s okay. She stabbed him in the stomach, but they stopped the bleeding and he’s infection free so far.” Harris shrugged. “He got lucky.”
“Of course he did.” Elisa sat up. When the usual dizziness didn’t come, she kept moving. “Can I see him?”
“I thought you wouldn’t... ” Harris shook his head. “Sure. Let me help.”
With gentle care, he helped her out of bed and closed the back of her gown. She held on to the IV pole. A nurse stopped her only long enough to look her over then nod for her to continue.
The first few steps sapped all her strength. She wanted to close her eyes and curl up on the floor. Leaning on Harris helped. So did the shortness of the walk.
She stepped into Josh’s hospital room expecting a riot of machines and buzzing and medicine and doctors. But the room stayed quiet. He laid in bed, staring at her. His color looked good. Most important, he was alive.
“Thank you,” Josh said when she stopped at the side of his bed.
She didn’t understand the comment. “What?”
“You put your body in front of mine... I’m... I didn’t know who Rachel really was or what she was capable of. I just wanted what you and Harris have.”
He probably expected sympathy. Elisa didn’t give it to him. “You killed Lauren.”
Harris jerked back. “What?”
“You didn’t tell Harris that part, did you?” Of course. Why was she surprised? “That makes me wonder how you explained why Rachel did what she did.”
Josh’s gaze slipped to Harris then back to her. “We need to talk—”
“No.” She tightened her hold on the IV pole. “You’re going to tell Harris the truth about what you did to Lauren, how you were gaslighting me, and then you’re going to tell the police.”
Josh rubbed a hand over his stomach, gently touching the bandage over his wound. “Elisa. I could go to prison.”
“You told everyone it was an accident. You always insisted.” Harris rested his hands on her hips in a gentle touch that didn’t match the anger moving through his voice.
She wanted to be strong and confident, but her body faltered. Exhaustion swept through her. She leaned back into Harris, letting him take on most of her weight.
Josh kept that hand on his stomach. “You have to understand. You’re asking me to implicate myself.”
He actually thought she would support him, let him get away with killing a woman. Even if he hadn’t set off a bomb in the middle of her life the answer would be no. “I’m going to tell them what you said, how you did it and why. I saw officers in the hallway, so I’m sure I’ll be questioned about the stabbing and Rachel.”
“Rachel got away.” Josh looked at his finger where his wedding band should be. “They’re looking for her.”
Elisa sighed. He still wasn’t getting that she was done. Totally done. No more protecting him. He’d have to earn hertrust back, and she couldn’t imagine him being able to do that. “Listen to me, Josh. I will tell your sick secrets. I will do whatever it takes to get justice for Lauren and to find Abby.”
He fell back on his usual it-will-be-fine, relaxed tone. “The three of us can talk about this, maybe find a good way—”
“You heard her.” Harris’s voice suggested he was done, too.
All of the emotion left Josh’s face. “You can’t expect me—”
She waited for Harris to back up Josh, to give some sort of twisted explanation, but he didn’t. He stood there, siding with her. Doing what was right. Being the man she believed she married.
“What was the gaslighting part?” Harris asked.
“He not only killed Lauren. He told Meredith to lie to you. He tried to make me think I was losing my mind so I’d stop investigating Abby’s disappearance. Planted those medicine bottles.” Fury rose in Elisa and she struggled to push it back down.
“Shit.” Harris sounded lost. “I gave him the pain pills after we found them in the kitchen.”