“Did your detective friend cover Lauren’s death up for you, too?” Elisa felt a surge of satisfaction when Josh froze. All of his secrets were coming out now.
Rachel dragged Elisa closer to Josh. Pinned him with his back against the counter with the sink. “You killed her.”
“That’s not true.” He swallowed.
“I’ve seen the evidence.” Rachel’s voice kept up a steady drumbeat. “You are a liar.”
“Let’s sit down and talk about this.” Elisa forgot about stalling and weapons. She wanted to survive and that meant tamping down the heat flowing between Josh and Rachel. They volleyed comments back and forth, talking past each other, and with each turn, every step, the energy vibrating off Rachel turned darker.
Rachel shook Elisa’s arm. “Stop protecting the mediocre men in this family.”
Rachel was going to do it. Stab him.
Elisa didn’t think, she just shifted until her body shielded Josh’s. “Don’t do this.”
Josh tried to push her away. “Elisa, get back.”
It was too late. The blade sliced into Elisa’s left arm. The same arm that had been injured in the shooting.
She saw the tip and watched it sink into her flesh, cutting her from elbow to wrist. At first she felt numb. Shock radiated through her right before the screaming pain hit. Her skin had been flayed open until she thought she saw bone.
Her stomach heaved and she saw red everywhere she looked. Her legs gave out. Josh caught her as she stumbled, pulling her body against his and holding her up.
“Oh, shit.” He repeated the phrase over and over.
“Look what you made me do!” Rachel’s scream bounced off every wall.
Elisa didn’t have time for blame. Blood gushed from her arm and a sudden light-headedness made the room spin. If Rachel meant to deliver a shallow slice, she’d failed.
“Towel.” Elisa forced the word out as bile rushed up her throat. “Get a towel.”
Josh jostled her as he tried to hold her steady and grab for a towel. The room shifted and a sudden booming headache had Elisa’s vision blinking out.
“Tell the truth!” Rachel kept screaming. “She’ll bleed out, or do you not care at all?”
Josh lost his balance and their bodies shifted. Elisa was sure they’d fall to the floor but he caught them in time.
Blood soaked the towel. A choking sensation clawed at Elisa’s throat. She’d never been good with blood but the sudden pressure drop made it feel as if every bit of energy was draining from her limp body. “Josh, please. Just tell Rachel about what happened to Lauren.”
He shook his head as he fumbled with the towel on her arm. “It was an accident.”
“Get out of the way, Elisa.” Rachel grabbed Elisa’s uninjured arm and tried to tug her loose from Josh’s grip.
Elisa felt the pull through her entire body. It was as if something inside her broke and snapped off. “Josh, tell her!”
She was going to throw up. She counted and closed her eyes—anything to keep from falling or fainting.
Rachel smiled. “I will kill you both and not care.”
Elisa barely heard Rachel’s new threat. She hoped Josh did. “Tell her before she does it.”
Rachel nodded. “Listen to your sister-in-law.”
Panic rose through the chaos. Elisa couldn’t force another word out. Her body betrayed her and her muddled mind refused to focus. Blood made the floor slick and covered Josh’s hands.
Still, he whined and denied. “I can’t.”
“Then she’s dead.” Rachel looked ready to lunge again, this time aiming for Elisa’s stomach.