Page 108 of The Replacement Wife

“No.” Elisa had been forced to welcome too many liars into her house already.

Meredith glanced out at the empty street before answering. “Please. I don’t feel safe standing out here.”

“Your ‘poor me’ act needs work.” Elisa held onto the edge of the door, keeping her body wedged in the opening in case Meredith got any ideas about storming the house.

“If you would just listen.”

Elisa had run out of patience for this nonsense. “What game are you playing today? I’m having a hard time keeping up.”

Meredith held the belt like a tourniquet, and the skin on her fingers turned chalky white. “I want to explain.”

“When no one else is here? Convenient.” Elisa stepped back and started to close the door. She intended to slam it, but Meredith slipped in too close.

“Elisa, please.”

Through the angry haze filling her head, Elisa heard the pleading in Meredith’s voice. She didn’t understand it or the fidgeting. None of Meredith’s uncertain behavior today fit with the woman she’d sparred with at the school or who had openly lied to Harris.

“Why in the world should I trust you in my house?” This was her last bit of sanctuary in the world, and even that only lasted until Harris got home.

“I know I haven’t given you a reason to believe me, but I can’t play this role any longer.” Meredith put her hand on the door. “Please let me in.”

Elisa glanced into the street behind Meredith and then to the driveaway. Only her car was parked there. “How did you get here?”

“I had a ride share drop me off a block away.”

The answer didn’t exactly earn Elisa’s trust. “How do you know where I live?”

“I know everything about Josh. I’ve been . . .” She exhaled. “If you give me five minutes. That’s all I need to explain.”

A mental battle waged inside Elisa. Letting this stranger in wouldn’t be smart. Meredith could be dangerous. She’d already shown that she didn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

But... why was there always abut? Elisa’s mind had shut down after the fight with Harris. She just wanted to be left alone to sleep. Then Meredith arrived.

Elisa studied her, looking for any sign to direct her about the right thing to do. She watched true crime shows. She knew how this scenario ended in those. She’d yelled at the television more than once as she watched someone willingly invite a killer into their home.

Now, being on this side, it felt different. She’d worked with Keith, the man who killed Maxine, and had known he was not okay. The hospital tried to hide the facts and all the warning signs, but he’d made threats. He did nothing to hide his rage and disgust. He failed in his position and blamed Marian. The situation here wasn’t the same, but Elisa wanted to believe she’d recognize evil when it stood right in front of her.

As her mind rebelled, she stepped back and gestured for Meredith to come inside. “You have five minutes, and I can revoke those at any time.”

Meredith dropped her belt and shoved her hands in her coat pockets as she walked inside the house. “Okay... I... what are you doing?”

Elisa snapped two photos of Meredith with her cell phone and sent them to Shelby with a quick note of explanation.“Texting people to let them know you’re here. Not Josh, but people who will know what to do.”


“Why do you think?” Elisa made a show of checking the clock on her phone. “Four minutes.”

“Okay, you were right. I didn’t lie before. Josh and I... we were together while he was with Abby. It started as sex on the side. No commitment. Fun without ties.” She let out a long sigh. “He said Abby withheld sex whenever she got angry. He hated that. Said it was like making him beg for it.”

This was far more insight than Elisa ever wanted into Josh’s practiced lines and dating skills. “And for some reason that juvenile reaction made you want more?”

“She was this artist type and not really supportive of his goals.” Meredith moved around, not pacing but not standing still. Very jumpy and uncomfortable. “He said they were too different and she didn’t really understand him. They were both unhappy.”

Elisa rolled her eyes. She couldn’t help it. Men had been delivering that lame line forever. “Please tell me you didn’t fall for that nonsense.”

“He had this thing. Like, a vulnerability. I went from wanting sex to wanting to comfort him.”

Except for the sex part, Elisa could relate. She’d met Josh and felt a protective surge.