Page 13 of Let It Snow

I was staying out of LA for just that reason, to keep us from having any unexpected meetings, but I had a feeling Frank thought she’d follow me to Colorado. I didn’t think she would, no paparazzi nearby to catch us together. But then again, she’d have her phone and could go ‘live’ anytime and anywhere she wanted.

Maybe Frank’s spidey senses were picking up something mine weren’t.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I walked past Jenna’s open bedroom door and had to backtrack. I stood there, staring at the sight in appreciation for a few moments before trying to open my mouth to speak.

She had her back to me, standing at the foot of the bed in a pair of bright red booty shorts that showed off her long, lean legs, and a gray racer back tank that highlighted her curves. I was glad she couldn’t see me standing there for a moment, just taking in the sight like a fool.

Much better than the view I’d have had in my hotel suite in Miami.

It took me a minute to remember I’d been the one who’d arrived with luggage—she hadn’t. I’d given her a tee of mine the night before to sleep in, and it definitely hadn’t been that little gray tank she sported.

“Where’d you get the clothes?” I couldn’t help myself from asking in confusion, my voice breaking the silence. Had someone left them behind in one of the rooms? Heck, the way this place was set up, I kind of wouldn’t be surprised that they had clothes somewhere around here for people who needed a little extra.

She jumped, clearly startled by the sound of my voice, then glanced over. “My vehicle, why?”


She raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, always prepared.”

She held up a tote bag that had been on the edge of the bed and that I hadn’t noticed. I hadn’t noticed much about her room other than her standing there, wonderfully half-naked and gorgeous.

I walked into the room. Large and spacious like all the bedrooms in the place. Fireplace, stone wall. Floor to ceiling windows with no doubt an amazing view. I’d told her to pick her own. Hell, we could sleep in a different room every night if we wanted, and glancing at her again, I really wouldn’t have minded if she’d suddenly decided to sleep in mine tonight…and every other night.

I stopped at her side, glad she didn’t notice the quick once over I couldn’t help but give her again, and tried to peek into the bag she was busy digging through. What all did she have in there?

Jenna glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. Clearly not finding what she wanted, she turned the bag upside down and shook it out, scattering items across the fluffy black and white duvet. Lip gloss and lip balm. Phone charger and cord. Some clothes. Toothbrush. Hairbrush. Hair ties.

She reallywasprepared.

“It’s like a Mary Poppins bag,” I said in amusement. “How does all that fit in there?” Women were crazy. In all the best of ways.

“You really don’t carry emergency supplies with you?” she questioned in surprise.

“I basically live out of luggage on tour. When I’m home, I’m home to stay.”

“Right. Well, a girl has to be prepared.” She shrugged and started picking a few items up and putting them back into her bag, keeping the lip balm she’d clearly been hunting for in her hand.

“So I see…”

She picked up the last scrunchie and a rolled-up T-shirt and stuffed them back inside the tote then set the bag in front of her on the edge of her unmade bed. From the jumbled state of the bedding, it looked like she’d had a bit of a restless sleep. “I’m planning on going as soon as the roads are plowed.”

“Have you looked outside?” I motioned to her half-closed drapes where hints of the massive pine trees buried in snow and the gray overcast sky above peeked through. “The snow is still falling.” I doubted it had stopped in the short walk from my bedroom to hers.

“I’ve been outside recently…” She motioned to the bag. “It’s a light snow. A dusting.”

I did my best not to shake my head. Clearly, she’d been outside earlier, way earlier. “Yeah. Right now.”

“Are you always so pessimistic?”

“I’m a realist.”

“So you say.”

“I do. How about breakfast? Or are you planning on hitting a drive-thru?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. She was stubborn as heck. It was almost…admirable. Adorable. She was adorable. Bed-mussed hair, a little eyeliner smeared under her eyes. And the fact she wasn’t the least bit uncomfortable standing there half-dressed in front of me, even more appealing.

She was comfortable.

I liked that.