Page 8 of Let It Snow

She looked hesitant. “Well…”

“Why not? Wait for some of this to blow over…” In the hour since we’d arrived at the house, the clouds had grown a lot darker and the snow that had started off as a light haze now fell steadily.

“You don’t mind?”

“Not at all. Then we can check out the pool table. You play?”

“I have an older brother. I know how to play a lot of games.”

Chapter Four



I caught Dean glancing my way as he re-racked the balls on the pool table in the games room downstairs.

“Another round?” he asked with a smile.

We’d been in the games room since finishing off the two frozen pizzas he’d heated up in the double ovens. I’d been hungrier than expected and had polished off my pieces and another large coffee while the storm blew outside. The wind had even howled a few times, making me think some great snow drifts would pile up along the side of the road shortly, if they weren’t there already.

“I wish I could, but I probably should get ready to head out.” I glanced at my watch again—close to late afternoon already. Even if I made it back to Denver tonight, aka doubtful, I could make the rest of the drive to Kenton in the morning in plenty of time for Christmas.

“You think you should?” His brow furrowed as he met my gaze. He looked genuinely concerned. Even though the curtain was partially drawn, I could see the darkening sky clearly and the white flecks of snow falling at a steady rate.

“It’s getting late. I can probably get at least halfway to Denver, stop at a hotel somewhere if I have to. I have the money to cover a nice one now.” A soft laugh escaped me at the small smile crossing his face.

He looked around reluctantly. “Okay, I’d say rain check—”

“But I probably won’t be close enough for one.”

Which I had to admit made me a little sad. I’d enjoyed my few hours with Dean exploring the games room. He was funny and sweet, easy to be with, and he made me laugh.

He nodded. “That’s that, then.”

He picked up my pool cue from the table and put them both back in the rack on the wall.

We headed upstairs. The snow was still falling outside, but a lot lighter than when we’d finished the pizza and headed down to the games room, which gave me some hope. If it had lightened up some, the roads would hopefully be more drivable.

He stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to look at me. “You know, why don’t you spend the night? Save the money on a hotel. There’s what, six other bedrooms to choose from? By morning, some of the roads should be plowed, and you’ll make it back there in better time than you would leaving right now. I can give you a tee of mine to sleep in, no problem.”

“Very thoughtful of you, but I’m good. I grew up in Colorado. I’m used to a little pre-Christmas snowstorm. Honestly, it wouldn’t be the holidays without one.”

“Okay, then.” He nodded, stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets as we walked towards the front door.

I slipped into my jacket and zipped it up tight. I’d forgotten my scarf in the SUV. I’d wrap it around my neck once in there. I knew how to bundle up behind the wheel. Sure, it was a longer drive than I’d like, especially the time of night I’d be heading towards Denver, but I’d take it. Once past the worst of it—or through it—I’d be fine.

“Take a coffee with you at least,” he offered. “There’s a couple travel mugs in the cupboard, I’ll give you one.”

“That will just make me have to make a pit stop sooner.” I slipped into my boots then picked up my purse and held my hand out reluctantly. “Thanks for the fun few hours to while away the storm.”


He shook my hand, his fingers soft and warm against mine. I feltsomethingwhen his fingers grazed mine gently as we broke apart.

I almost wished I didn’t have to go.

He opened the front door, and I stepped out into the dark night, the chill air hitting me with the first breath. The snow didn’t hit me in the face—a good sign. A second later, the outside lights flicked on overhead, and the lights lining the path to the driveway came on with a warm glow beneath the mound of snow over top. I glanced over to see him leaning in the doorway, rubbing his arms. That long-sleeved tee of his wasn’t exactly the warmest for this type of weather.