Page 40 of Let It Snow

“Glad to hear it.”

The house smelled of holiday food, and freshly baked cookies greeted us.

“Everyone’s kind of just hanging out…spread out,” Noah said. “There’s a tree in the main room. I think that’s where most of the family is. Charlie’s trying to sneak food in the kitchen, as always.”

“Course he is.” She smiled and caught my eye. “I can’t wait for you to meet Charlie. He’s practically my other annoying older brother.”

“He’ll be thrilled to hear you say that,” Noah deadpanned.

She beamed, and I caught how happy she was. She squeezed my hand, and I squeezed hers back. This was…nice. Different.

Noah walked ahead of us. “Look who Santa brought us a day late, but in an honest to goodness sleigh. Jenna and Dean.”

A cheer went up from a few people all decked out in Christmas sweaters, and Noah headed towards the couch. I looked around awkwardly for a moment, waiting for…not sure what. But no one was paying me any extra attention, no one had their cell phone aimed my way, conversations went on.Noah seemed fairly at ease for a man about to propose. Almost Zen. I highly doubted I’d be that calm…if I was ever the marrying type.

A pretty woman hurried over to us, her arms stretched out towards Jenna.

Jenna grinned, and they hugged. This must surely be Emma.

“Emma, this is—”

“Dean,” Emma said with a large smile as she laid eyes on me, and I knew she knewexactlywho I was and yet…I didn’t get that uneasy vibe this sometimes caused. “Nice to meet you. Noah filled me in. What is it with this family and Christmas?” she asked, glancing between us. “Come grab a drink, we’re just waiting for dinner to finish cooking.”

“Should I stay?” I asked quietly, not wanting Emma to overhear. “This feels like a distinctly family event.”

“You aren’t going anywhere.” Jenna smiled. “Relax. I swear none of us bite.”

Dinner was amazing, lots of food and wine and talking. My nervousness faded a few moments in, Jenna on one side, Charlie on the other with his girlfriend Meg. We talked easily, and I started to feel like I belonged. Maybe it was just Jenna…the way she smiled at me, looking at me in awe a few times, like I’d pulled off the biggest Christmas miracle ever by getting her there and them here.

After dinner, we all cleared the table while Emma and Noah headed for a walk to see all the Christmas lights. The women hurried outside, putting out the candles and rose petals Noah had asked them to, then we all gathered on the balcony and stuck to the shadows while watching the proposal play out below. Even though we couldn’t hear a word Noah said at that distance, the moment Emma leapt up into his arms and he spun her around told us she’d clearly said yes. I glanced over at Jenna to see her eyes glossy. “You okay?” I murmured.

She nodded, dabbing at her eyes with the back of her hand. “Allergies.” She sniffled.

“Miserable this time of year.” I hid my smile as she wrapped her arm around mine and I caught her hiding another small sniffle.

They came slowly back up the stairs to a chorus of congratulations and hugs, then we all went back inside to the waiting dessert table.

Jenna hung out near Emma and Meg, putting the cutlery and dessert plates out, restacking the festive red NOEL napkins. People started swarming the table, the noise level going up a couple of notches.

Charlie walked over and handed me a glass of champagne for the coming toast. “You should get in there. Meg packed extra goodies in my SUV, but they aren’t going to last long at this point.”

I nodded. “Thanks for the advice.”

“My real advice is…I see the way you’re looking at Jenna. She’s like my little sister.” He popped a piece of fudge into his mouth. “Just don’t hurt her, rock star.”

I smiled as Jenna’s gaze met mine across the room. “Not ever planning on it.”

I’d talked to probably almost all of the family by the time the dessert table was picked through. And it hadn’t been like I was on display, like I would’ve been at home. People sat down and talked, chatted, asked about the house we’d been stuck in, and complimented my outside the box thinking with the sleigh. Not a single selfie request, nothing but nice, normal conversation.

I’d caught Jenna watching a few times, mostly when I’d been with Charlie and Noah, and I wondered if she was worried I was about to get a brotherly lecture about breaking her heart or using her. But the more time passed, the more I was starting to think I’d be the one who got their heart broken at the end of this.

I stepped outside to get some fresh air, glad I’d stopped to grab my jacket on the way. I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. The snow had started to taper off, the sky clearing off just a little. I could see hints of glistening stars in the distance.

I stuffed my bare hands in my jacket pockets, relaxing and just enjoying the fresh air.

The door slid back behind me. Jenna stepped outside without a jacket. I was about to tell her to go back in before she caught a cold when she rubbed her hands together and neared.

“You okay?” she asked quietly, searching my face.