Page 4 of Let It Snow

Oh, well, I could sing along and no one would care. He was probably the brooding music type. He looked it, what with the all-black look. Bet there wasn’t a single Christmas song anywhere on his playlist. Clearly someone who wouldn’t be into my type of music anyway.

Besides, who the heck went to Miami for the holidays? With just one bag, too?

I changed the channel to one of those twenty-four-hour continual all-Christmas stations, wondering how many times I’d hear “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” before getting back to Denver, when a chime echoed from the backseat.

I jumped, startled.

“New destination.”

“Does this mean you want the money back?” I glanced at him in the mirror again. Maybe he’d done the math…and couldn’t afford everything, after all.

The corner of his mouth lifted. “No, keep it. And take me to Aspen. I just rented a house for the week.” He leaned forward again. “By the way. I’m Dean.”


Chapter Three



I dozed off somewhere on the four-hour drive to Aspen. I woke up to Jenna singing slightly off key to Santa Baby, her dancing Santa on the dashboard bobbing along. I fought back a yawn and reached up to wipe my eyes, realizing I still had my sunglasses on. The yawn managed to escape me as I tried to stretch, which didn’t get me very far in the backseat of her SUV.

“Guess I fell asleep?” I asked, sitting up a little straighter and trying to wake up fully. I reached for the coffee we’d stopped for just before leaving Denver then remembered I’d finished it pretty quickly.

“I thought you were ignoring the driver and her bad singing.” She laughed. “I went through a drive-thru a while back but you didn’t ask for anything so…” She tapped the top of the cup in the console beside her. “I didn’t get anything for you unfortunately.”

“That’s fine.” I glanced out the window at the larger snowflakes falling. The roads seemed less busy, only a handful of cars out other than us, the sky a darker gray than I remembered. “Are we close?”

“Probably half hour outside city limits.”

“Man, I really did sleep.” Guess dealing with Frank had tired me out more than I’d thought.

She nodded, reaching out to pick up the holiday cup from her console. I swore I caught the slightest whiff of candy canes.

I reached for my phone on the seat beside me and scanned through the messages. A weather alert that the storm was coming.

Clearly—that sky gave a wonderful little foreboding feeling. I’d thought we’d manage to get ahead of it but seemed like there’d been a second storm rushing to meet the first.


“You ski?” she asked.

“No. Don’t have that big a death wish.”

She laughed softly. “Then why on Earth did you pick Aspen?”

“You suggested it.”

“I could have suggested the moon,” she countered.

“And I probably would have looked it up and searched for something closer.”

She laughed and touched something on the steering wheel, the music volume dropped. “Right.”

“How much further?”

She tapped something on the screen on the dashboard. “Probably forty minutes if the snow stays falling like this, why? Do we need to stop?”