Page 32 of Let It Snow

Did he want an award? “And when was your last groupie hook-up?”

“I don’t do groupie hook-ups.”


“I’ve matured.” He winked at me. “I tend to like women who have no idea who I am.”

“How rare.”

“My thoughts exactly.” His expression turned serious. “I’ve never met anyone like you, Jenna.”

“Is this where I say ditto?”

“You can say whatever you want, but I think words are overrated.” His voice dropped even lower, and then his grip tightened on me as if afraid to let me go.

Our mouths met in a heated kiss that took my breath away almost the moment his lips descended on mine. I was glad he was holding me upright, because the world tilted on its axis, and I likely would have sunk into the water as his tongue searched my mouth, temptingly slow and teasing, over and over again.

I gasped for air as he finally broke away. “Where did you learn to kiss like that?”

His eyes twinkled. “I’m a man of many,manytalents.”

“Is that so?” My voice sounded low…hesitant. All of me was demanding to know each and every talent he knew and then some. “I…I might want to know more about these talents.” I rested my hands against his chest, feeling the fast drumming of his heart beneath my finger tips.

His head ducked closer to mine again, and he licked the corner of his mouth, igniting a fire in me I hadn’t known existed. One hand let go and dragged over his wet hair, and I couldn’t help watching. “That can be arranged. Let’s go upstairs.”

He turned, leading the way to the water’s edge. I watched as he scanned the area until he spotted the stack of fresh towels on a nearby pool chair then pulled himself out of the water in one fluid motion, the bunching muscles of his back catching my gaze. He wrapped himself in a towel, letting it settle low around his waist, smiling at me before returning to the water’s edge with one for me in hand. He set it down, then held his hand out to help pull me up.

I reached for the towel, but he shook his head, carefully wrapping it around me as I shivered, not sure whether from the cool air or the look in his eyes. Or both…

I was about to say something when he suddenly scooped me up in his arms and I found myself against his warm chest and up close and personal with his tattoos. That guitar over his heart was a lot more intricate up close than I had imagined. My fingers ached to trace it over and over again until it was etched into my memory.

I swallowed the words in my throat, risking a glance up at him. He caught my stare and met it with a heated one of his own that left me silent, then he broke our gaze and began to ascend the stairs. It wasn’t long before we were moving down the hallway to the bedrooms. We passed the open doors of the other rooms.

“Where are we headed?” I asked, my voice finally returning and the daze in my mind ebbing away

“Your room or mine?”

“Did we decide we were going to a bedroom?”

“I wanted to be able to move around, didn’t you?”

“Oh…” I really was going to learn just how multi-talented he really was.

He smiled. His eyes darkened even more, amusement and something else in them, something I desperately wanted to uncover.

A moment later, we crossed the threshold of his room. He set me down in front of the bed, staying there just looking at me as if giving me a chance to turn and run away.

I didn’t.

“Stay there…”

I didn’t move as he crossed the room and crouched down, starting the fire. I stood in place, watching the muscles flex in his back. Some part of me couldn’t stop thinking this was crazy, but then he turned his head and looked at me, and I knew I didn’t want to be anywhere else on Earth at that moment.

When he was done, he walked towards me. His hand cupped my face, and I rose up on tiptoe as our mouths met again. I couldn’t get enough of him, and we’d barely even touched.

He pulled back, his forehead against mine before he pulled farther back, searching my gaze.

I looked at Dean unabashedly, the glow of the fireplace illuminating him. He stood there, gaze locked on mine, the towel wrapped around his waist.