Page 24 of Let It Snow

She laughed, shaking her head. “There’s a sauna. That would do a much better job of warming you up than I ever could.”

I wouldn’t say that.Amusement flared inside as I got up and put my mug in the sink. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”

“You sure we won’t get locked out?” A little furrow appeared on her brow—adorable. “Maybe you go outside, get all the fresh air you want, and I’ll stay in.”

“I know the house code. I’ll tell you the house code. I’ll write it on a piece of paper and put it in your car if that makes you feel better.”

“It might.”

I zipped up the heavy black parka I’d grabbed from the supply closet in the corner of the garage. I’d also grabbed a pair of winter boots that practically went up to my knees. Jenna put her beanie on, tucking her hair carefully under, then grabbed her scarf. Her eyes told meI can’t believe you want to do this,but I wasn’t planning on spending the entire day outside—I just wanted something…fun…different.

Something I couldn’t do on my own.

Eventually, Jenna would have to go home, and I could spend the rest of my stay in the theater room or the pool or just lounging around, listening to music cranked high. I could order a new guitar online and work on some songs. I could do pretty much anything on my own…

I just didn’t want to.

I wanted to hear her laugh.

Make her smile.

I wanted…

Hell, I wanted things I hadn’t thought I’d wanted in a really long time.

It had taken me a long, long time to get over the disaster that had been my ex and the break-up from hell…no wonder Frank had wanted me far out of her reach just in case—the holidays made people do crazy things…and he didn’t want me revisiting that path out of loneliness.

“All set?”

Jenna sat waiting already in her jacket and boots, beanie firmly on her head. She looked at me anxiously, slipping her gloves on. I could tell going outside was not high on her list of things to do, unless it was to head home.

“Why not? Sooner we’re out, sooner we’re back in.”

“That’s the attitude.” I laughed and opened the door, stepping into the chilly air. According to the app, it had warmed slightly, but didn’t feel like it. Still, for just a little while. A break from the house for a little while would go me good. As amazing as it was, it occasionally gave me a claustrophobic feeling.

At least on a tour bus, the scenery outside changed.

Jenna shivered and she cast a worried glance over her shoulder at the closed door.

“We’re good,” I reassured her calmly, unable to keep the amusement out of my voice. Sure, I’d left the phone in the house…but I’d also taken a physical key outside with me, zipped into the inside pocket of my jacket. It might set off the alarms, but we’d still be able to get in anyway.

“All good.” She walked slowly through the tall, almost knee-high snow, creating a deep path across the patio. A shovel sat off to the side, and she headed towards it, clearly intent on clearing a path.

I beat her to the shovel and carefully went down the steps, clearing off each stair before stepping down, finally leaving it upright in the stack of snow at ground level. The air was definitely cold, stinging even as I breathed deep, causing foggy tufts of condensation in the air. The sun was a distant memory in the overcast haze above us. But, to be honest, I didn’t really care.

I tilted my head back and breathed deep. The icy air in my lungs almost felt good. It was crisp, clean…amazing.

She walked up behind me. “Tell me you don’t suddenly want to take up skiing.”

“Nope.” I looked around at the immense pine trees that were taller than the house, high above our heads, the smallest snowflakes I’d ever seen still falling. “I have a tour to get back on at the end of January, no interest in being on stage on crutches.”

“And yet you wanted to be outside.”

“A little fresh air never hurts.”

She looked at me skeptically. I started walking along the house, my steps sinking deep into the snowdrifts covering the yard. I didn’t mind the coolness soaking through my jeans—we had the sauna to escape into later.

I was just about to turn and see where she was when all of a sudden, the wind seemed to pick up and I glanced up just as a mound of snow slid down off the roof. A second later, I was covered, head to toe.