“On this trip.”
“How do you know I’m taking anyone?”
“Because you wouldn’t go alone.”
My turn to sigh. “Fine, I’m taking Abbie.”
“And she’s perfectly okay skipping Christmas with her family?”
“She is.”
“I don’t know about you two...”
“We’re fine, Mom. We’re going on vacation. I’ll call you on Christmas Day if you want. We can Skype while you have Christmas dinner.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“I have to go. The car’s coming in half an hour, and I’m still not packed.”
“You’re exactly like your father. Maybe that’s why you’re still single.”
“Talk that over with your therapist and let me know what she thinks.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. Have a safe flight. Say hi to Abbie for me.”
“I will.” I clicked the phone off and set it back on the charger to get a little extra battery life.
My suitcase lay open on the bed. I took a quick survey of what was there and what wasn’t. Toiletries bag already tucked up top. Clothes. I definitely needed more clothes. And I hadn’t even packed anything to swim in. I grabbed a couple pair of my swim trunks and a stack of T-shirts out of the closet, setting them inside the suitcase.
Boxers? I checked through the case. Unless I wanted to go commando the whole two weeks we were there, I definitely needed to throw some in. I turned, opened the dresser drawer, and picked up a couple pairs of my underwear, revealing the box of condoms tucked against the corner.
I tossed the boxers inside the suitcase and went to close the dresser drawer, my hand hesitating on the handle as I looked at the box staring up at me.
Take me.
Should I, or shouldn’t I?
It was the Christmas season, after all.
A time of hope and miracles.
It would take a miracle to get out of the friend zone Abbie had put me in during the last five years…
But if there ever was a place and a time that maybe, just maybe, she’d see me as more than her best friend, this was it.
And if that was the case, better safe than sorry.
Maybe I could hope for a Christmas miracle.
I picked the box up and looked skyward. Maybe if there really was a Santa Claus out there somewhere, he could sprinkle a little Christmas magic over Abbie and me.
My phone beeped.
I’d take that as a sign.
I set the condoms in the suitcase and leaned over to the check the messages.
My driver. The car was on the way. He’d be there in fifteen minutes.