Page 84 of The Midnight Realm

She gives me one of her mom looks, the one that says I work too hard. “Go home. Tomorrow I’m going to teach you how to make some standard bouquets for the stock cooler.”

That brings a smile to my face because I’m all about learning something new.

Tonya’s hand halts me as she tilts her head. “Your smile is beautiful, Nyssa. You should do it more.”

The bell hanging above the shop’s entrance door rings, and Tonya glances at the small computer screen hanging on the wall that shows the security feed for the front of the store so she can see when customers come in. We spend most of our time back here working, unless there are shoppers who need help.

It’s just Nick, though, so Tonya goes back to the casket spray and I watch, absorbing her techniques that I hope to be able to replicate one day.

The saloon-style door between the design room and the main shop swings open, and Nick bursts through. His mop of curly red hair is sweaty, and he slings his backpack down on the floor before moving around the table to give Tonya a hug. “Hi, Mom.”

Nick grins at me. “Hi, Nyssa.”

“What’s up, kid?” I reply.

“Why are you so sweaty?” Tonya eyeballs her son as he plops down on a stool next to her.

“Roger and I raced from school to the hardware store,” he says, grinning with a full set of braces.

“Well, get your homework done,” Tonya says, returning her attention to her work. Nick hops off the stool and grabs his pack, pulling out a math text and a spiral notebook.

I push off from the table. “I’m going to head home.”

Tonya glances up and smiles. “See you in the morning.”

“See ya,” I say, sparing another glance at Nick who’s searching for a pencil.

He’s fifteen and forever disorganized, which amuses me because I’m the same way.

He’s my brother, after all, although Tonya and her husband, Billy, renamed him with the adoption.

No one knows who I am—my real identity.

When Zora set me up with a new life here in Iowa, she went so far as to help me secure a job at Tonya’s flower shop so I could look in on Sammy—now named Nick—in an unobtrusive way.

I’ve been here three months now, and I often think back on that day when Zora showed me everything I could have, and then delivered on it.

Her demigods escorted me through that beam of light that led from Amell’s castle right into a Swiss chalet with the most stunning scenery of snowcapped mountains outside the large floor-to-ceiling windows. The change in environment befuddled me, particularly when two huge dogs bounded my way, nails scrabbling over polished wood floors. They weren’t barking and their tongues lolled out of their mouths, which told me they were friendly. I knelt to pet them and when I straightened, the demigods were gone.

A woman stood out on the balcony. She wore jeans and a sweater—totally ordinary looking except for the bright white hair that poured down her back.

I knew without a doubt that it was Zora.

She leaned against the wooden railing, staring at the green valley below. I could tell she knew I was there, in what I assumed to be her home, just as I knew she was waiting for me to join her outside.

I went to her, standing to her right, and stared at her profile. She was lovely, and when she turned to look at me, I was astounded by her beautiful eyes. Distinct bands of blue, green, and gold that made her eyes look like jewels.

She smiled, her words sounding like a chastisement. “You left the king of the Underworld in quite a mess.”

I blinked in surprise. He was a mess?

He destroyed me.

“Do you know who I am?” she asked.

“Zora, the god of Death.”

“Well, it’s actually the god of Life, but death is also my jam.”