Page 19 of The Midnight Realm

Something strikes me, though. “You said a fae or daemon might find me. What is that?”

Sitting just on the other side of the stone wall and near the barred doors, I hear Will clearly as he answers. “The Underworld was established and is populated by Dark Fae. That’s what King Amell is. Daemons are the product of Light and Dark Fae, and a few reside down here with their dark parent. Daemons are different from demons. Demons are created by magic and using dark souls that are sent to the Underworld.”

“I don’t understand a thing you just said.”

“We have nothing but time, so I might as well fill you in on everything.”

I pull my legs up and wrap my arms around my shins, curling in for warmth against the chill down here. I settle in to learn more about my new home.

Will tells me an incredible story about an angelic rebellion in Heaven, after which God cast out those traitors. The worst of the fallen angels were banished to the Underworld and sealed within, stripped of their wings and most powers. They were called Dark Fae. The fallen angels who didn’t actively participate but did sympathize were cast down to Earth, also stripped of wings and most powers. They were called Light Fae.

“You said they were stripped of their powers, but I’ve seen Amell do some magical things,” I point out.

“Many fae now have stronger abilities thanks to stone magic, but Amell has powers granted directly from the god of Life, Zora.”

“Stone magic?”

“From a meteor that crashed to Earth thousands of years ago. The stone had magical properties. Pieces made their way into the Underworld. The Dark Fae nobles had power again, and they evolved over time. They’re not what they were in their former glory as angels, but they’re strong, immortal, and the nobles can wield deadly magic.”

“Why does Amell have wings, though, if they were stripped? Did Zora give them to him?”

“No clue,” Will says. “But he had the wings before he became king, which wasn’t all that long ago.”

“You mentioned Queen Kymaris.”

“She ruled before Amell,” Will replies with what sounds like a nasty taste on his tongue. “Evil incarnate. She almost succeeded in opening up the veil between here and the First Dimension so all her demons could escape and destroy that world.”

I feel like I’m losing my grip on reality. “Amell mentioned dimensions. What does that mean?”

Will sighs. “This is going to take a long time to educate you.”

It feels like it takes hours for Will to fill me in on everything, but without clocks, I can’t be sure. I’m exhausted and need about a million hours of sleep, but I want to make sure I understand everything. The more knowledge I have, the better I can defend myself.

“Let me see if I have this straight,” I say from my position on the floor. I’d long ago laid down, curling into a ball. My long hair feels weird and abnormal. It’s been so long since it’s had any length. “And this is in no particular order… big rebellion in Heaven. Angels tossed. Really bad ones came to Underworld and they are Dark Fae. The not-so-bad went to Earth and they’re called Light Fae. Magical meteor touched down on Earth and was hacked away, pieces stolen to use its magic. With that magic, alternate dimensions were created… sort of like different worlds layered on top of the one you and I come from, which is known as the First Dimension. How am I doing so far?”

“You’re an excellent pupil,” Will replies with a chuckle.

“Okay, so, Kymaris was an original fallen angel ruling the Underworld, and they don’t get any more wicked than her. She attempted to take over the First Dimension by doing a ritual to tear open the veil between our world and this one.”

“A changeling ritual,” he confirms.

“Right. A baby was stolen from the First Dimension, held here in captivity, and stuffed full of dark magic. After twenty-eight years, it projected Kymaris into our world, and she was able to perform a ritual that tore open a huge whole in the veil that separates the worlds.”

“Go on,” he urges.

“Kymaris was defeated by a human named Finley, although she was aided by other creatures. I think you said demigods, Dark Fae, Light Fae, and daemons.”

“And her sister, the human who was held here for twenty-eight years,” he adds.

“Zora.” Such a pretty name. “Who died in the battle against Kymaris but was reborn as the god of Life, and thus death.”

“I think you have the gist of it,” Will says with a yawn.

“What about the Light Fae?” I ask, still buzzing with so many questions. “Where are they?”

“They live in a dimension they created called Faere. Their queen, Nimeyah, was an original fallen but was killed by Kymaris. Nimeyah’s daughter, Deandra, rules Faere now.”

“And why is Amell the king?”