I pinch my lips together, holding back what I really want to say. “Yeah, that.”

He shrugs, his face tense. The stubble over his jaw lets me know he hasn’t shaved in a couple of days. Things must not have been getting better like he said. I see the wrinkles forming in his forehead and the black circles under his eyes. He hasn’t slept.

“Want to go get some breakfast?” I ask, changing the subject. He looks like he needs a distraction. Hell, I could use a distraction, too.

“Sure, let’s go, little sis.”

After we pick up my car from Good Times, we end up at IHOP where we both order the big breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, ham, hash browns, toast, and of course, a little fruit bowl. Our table looks like two people who haven’t eaten in a week.

In fact, it’s probably more than I have eaten all week.

But food is comforting, and we both indulge. He doesn’t bring up Mia, so I find a way to slip her into the conversation.

“I suppose we’re going to be making different plans this weekend?” Not my smoothest way of asking about it, but whatever. I’m pumped up with carbs.

Basically, I need to figure out how I’m going to spend the rest of spring break in a house with my brother and the guy I’ve been hate-fucking all week without my brother finding out.

Or without my heart being shattered in the process.

“Probably,” he mumbles, shuffling his food around with his fork. He’s been stuffing his face since the moment the food arrived, and now, he looks like he’s in a coma.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask softly. “I’ll just listen if you want.”

“Not really.” He shoves another mouthful of pancakes in his mouth.

“Come on, Drew. Maybe I can help. Give you some insight or something.”

“Insight to what? Why girls are moody for no reason? Why they go from hot to cold in five seconds? Or how they can go fromI love youtoYou’re the worst thing that’s ever happened to me? Have any insight for that?” He ends the question with a sarcastic remark. Obviously, bringing up Mia was a bad idea.

“Okay, sorry,never mind,” I draw out slowly, only partly sorry for bringing it up. Perhaps this means he’ll be too distracted to notice anything going on between Travis and me. Knowing I have to act like nothing has changed makes me anxious for when the three of us are all together.

“Sorry, I just don’t know why she won’t at least message me back. I think it may be over this time.”

This isn’t the first time Drew and Mia have fought like this. They’ve even broken up once before but only for a day or two. I don’t remember ever seeing him this down before. Mia is a bit high maintenance, and if she didn’t make him so happy when things are good between the two of them, I’d be really annoyed at him for always going back to her. However, this time I just might shake some sense into him.

“Maybe that’s a good thing,” I say with a shrug, trying to sound sincere. “You guys are constantly going back and forth. Maybe a break would be good for you two.”

“We’re constantly on a break.” He’s exaggerating, but I know exactly what he means. Their relationship is more toxic than it is healthy.

“Well, then play hard to get. You’re always so quick to take her right back. She knows she can just push you around until she feels like having a boyfriend again.”

He pinches his lips, and I know a smart-ass comment is coming.

“And you’re the expert?” He raises a brow. Even though I know he’s teasing, he’s not wrong.

I sigh, giving up. “Fair enough.”

We continue eating in silence until my phone beeps with a new text message. I glance at it and see it’s from Courtney.


Is it safe to assume since you haven’t called to chew my ass out yet because you and Travis ended up making up naked-style?

I smile weakly, sending her a message back.


As your punishment, I’m withholding all the details.