She closes her eyes. “You don’t want to know.”

After several silent moments, I pick her up off the floor and walk her back to her bed. My fingertips press against her bare skin, cool to the touch.

Once she’s covered up, I can’t bear to leave her alone again. I decide to grab an extra blanket from Drew’s closet and sleep next to her on the floor. Then just for good measure, I place a trash can next to the bed in case she gets sick again.

I smile and put my hands behind my head as I listen to her even breathing. I walk to my room, grab her clothes, and put them back where I found them. I’m half tempted to crawl in bed with her, but I lie back on the floor instead.

An hour later, I still haven’t been able to fall asleep. The memory of her lips on mine is still present in my mind, and I know when she wakes up, she’s going to have my head for kissing her.


I’m dead.

Oh God.No, I can’t be dead because I feel fucking awful.

I manage to crack open my eyes and notice Travis is nowhere to be found. I have no idea what time it is, but I remember him being in here last night. At least, I think he was.

Shuffling around for my phone, I finally find it in my clutch on the floor.11:18 AM.

I haven’t slept in this late since the last time I…oh shit. I grab the nearby trash can and empty my stomach again.

Once I finally feel like I’m safe to sit up, memories of last night surface in my mind. I look down and realize I’m only in my bra and panties. And Travis King saw me in them.

Just great.

Then I remember the kiss and how his face hovered above mine.

Did that really happen?Maybe the alcohol and puking made me imagine the whole thing because there is no way I kissed him. If anything, I would’ve slapped him.

I mean,probably would’ve anyway.

My fingers reach up and touch my lips. It all rushes back to me, and I definitely remember his mouth on mine.Soft, deep, intoxicating.

Fuck. I’m almost certain that kiss is going to ruin me more than him, but I can’t let him know that. How the hell am I supposed to handle him now? He’ll think he won.

And I’m not about to let him think that. Getting close to Travis is bad news. Nothing good could ever come out of it, especially letting him stomp on my heart again.

Needing a distraction, I decide to text Drew.


Your roommate stripped me down to my bra and panties last night. Where’s the coffee?

I smile as I hit send.

It flashes seconds later with his response.


He’s a dead man. It’s in the cupboard above the sink.

I chuckle to myself, but soon realize it hurts my stomach to laugh. It’s completely empty and growling. I’ll need to face him sooner or later, but I just wish it could be much, much later.

I finally manage to crawl out of bed and smile when I see my clothes, but I grab one of Drew’s long T-shirts to wear until I can take a shower. First, I need to eat something.

Peeking out the bedroom door, it’s completely silent in the house.Thank God. I step out into the hallway and make my way to the kitchen, searching for any sight of him. When it looks clear, I grab a granola bar and look for the coffee. Just as the coffee maker starts steaming, I hear him in the distance.

“VIOLA!” His voice makes me jump but not enough to be scared. I conceal a smile as he storms into the kitchen.