“What’s up, boss?” She answers on the first ring.

“Viola’s asleep, so I wanted to go through the events for tonight one more time,” I say, pacing on the driveway.

“We’ve been over it five times!”

“Just humor me, Courtney!”

She laughs and lets out a loud sigh. “Fine. If that’s what will get me a raise…”

“Araise?We haven’t even opened the doors yet!”

“What can I say? My daddy taught me how to play hardball at a young age.”

I brush a nervous hand through my hair and mutter a few curse words. “Fine,” I agree through gritted teeth. “I’ll have Drew come twice a week to deliver lunch. Happy now?”

I can tell she’s smiling on the other end just by the high-pitched tone in her voice. “Yes, very. Now was that so hard?”

“I knew I’d regret calling you that day,” I mutter, knowing damn well she’ll hear me.

“And now you’re stuck with me forever. Get used to it, King.”

“Can wepleasejust go through the plan one more time now?” I’m losing my patience, and she knows it, too.

“Of course. Whatever you say, boss.”



I wakeup to Gryff licking my face. He’s pressing on my bladder, and I’m two seconds away from peeing myself.

“Get down, buddy.” I push him slightly, and he jumps down, giving me the opportunity to roll off the couch. “Where’s Daddy?” I ask him as we walk down the too quiet hallway. “Travis?” I call out, but no one answers. “Hmm, weird.”

I use the bathroom and get myself something to drink. We should be leaving within the hour to meet up with his family, so I know he can’t be too far away. I dig into the fridge and grab an apple to hold me over until dinner. I glance around and see the newspaper lying on top of the kitchen table. I shuffle through it until the words Crawford Marketing grab my attention.

Well, well, well.Wouldn’t ya know? Little Miss Blondie got herself into a little bit of legal trouble. I can’t even feel sorry for someone like that.Karma’s a bitch, after all.

“Viola?” I hear Travis’s voice call out. I look behind me and see him all dressed up in a black suit and tie. I swallow, needing to control my breathing. He’s always looked amazing in suits, but tonight, something is different. He looks incredible. And happy.

“Where’d you go?” I ask.

“I had to run a couple of errands. What are you doing?”

“I just woke up, and the baby was hungry, so we found a snack,” I say as he wraps his arms around me, the baby bump putting more space between us than usual.

“I see that.” He dips his head and takes a bite of the apple. “We have to leave soon,” he reminds me.

“I know. I was just looking at a very interesting article in the paper.” I purse my lips.

“Yeah, nothing like bad press for one of the largest firms in the state.”

“Maybe that means Royalty Marketing will be the next best thing.” I grin, knowing he’s about to scold me.

“It’s King Marketing, stop trying to make Royalty Marketing happen!”

I burst out laughing at hisMean Girlsreference. “Oh my God! Don’t make me laugh! I might pee!”

“So then I shouldn’t do this?” He brings his hands down and tickles my sides. He laughs harder the more I squirm and as much as I try to back out of his trap, he doesn’t let up.