“So that automatically means I’m getting laid?”

“Yes,” they all say in unison, and I blush because dammit, I was trying so hard not to bethatgirl.

“Well, I’m pleading the fifth.” I grab my bag and toss it over my shoulder. “I’m heading home for the weekend, though, so that means I won’t be back until tomorrow.”

“Did someone die?” Kate’s question catches me off guard.

“No, why?”

“I can’t remember the last time you went home for the weekend.”

I shrug, knowing she’s right but not wanting to get into the details of it.

“Drew and I are just going for a short visit, that’s all.”

“Oh, you’re going with your brother?” Kayla’s voice suddenly increases an octave. Seriously? Why do all my friends want inside Drew’s pants?

“Yes, and unfortunately, he’s going to torture me with all the details of him and his lame girlfriend.” I wish he wouldn’t.

“He’s still dating that same girl he met last summer?” she asks.

I shrug lightly, not sure what’s going on between them at the moment. “On and off, so I’m not certain, but I know Drew’s crazy about her.”God only knows why.

“Well, tell him hi for me!”

“Uh, sure!” I slide my shoes on and head toward the door, waving to the rest of them. “Bye, guys!”

I see a text from Drew filter in, and I quickly read it.


Be there in 5. Your ass better be ready.

I roll my eyes and scoff at his assumption that I wouldn’t be.


I’ve been waiting for over a half an hour. Your ass better have Starbucks and a blueberry muffin.

I might’ve bent the truth a bit, but he doesn’t have to know that. I see Travis messaged me back as well.


To be fair to Mary-Kate and Ashley, I think they should be #1-5 on your list. They do work really hard on being firm, perky, and always make sure their nipples are at attention when I’m around. Not to mention, they have this superpower way of communicating to my dick anytime they’re looking for some extra attention. I think that’s a legit skill.


You’re ridiculous. P.S. Don’t act so surprised at all my marvelous talents. My pussy has magical powers, too.


Wonderful. Now I’m hard.

I laugh just thinking about how he probably really is hard.


Told you. Magical powers.