“Nah, I’ll be fine. Feeling good as new already.” They exchanged once again before he says goodbye and hangs up.

“Well?” I ask, anxious to know what Drew said.

“Apparently, you two are heading home this weekend.”

“What?Why?” This is news to me.

“Your mom called Drew and said she wanted the both of you to come tomorrow and stay the night.”

“What for?” I haven’t slept in the same house as my mother in almost four years. I love her, but we don’t have much in common anymore.

“I’m not really sure. He didn’t know specifics.” He looks over at me, concern written in his expression as he tries to read mine.

“Why don’t you ask Drew if you can tag along? Tell him you’ll be bored or something.” Ireallydon’t want to go without him.

“You just want me as your secret sex toy, don’t you?” He grins, and I want to smack that smile right off his cocky face.

“Now I remember why I hated you so much,” I tease. I check my phone for any messages from my mom or Drew, and there are none.Why the hell didn’t she call me? Why didn’t he?

“Hate is really the sister of love,” he retorts, flashing a mocking grin.

“Hate is also the cousin of murder,” I fire back. His head falls back with laughter as he shakes his head at me. “Good to know sex doesn’t filter your sense of humor.”

“No, just my tolerance for assholes.”

He presses a hand to his chest. “Ow. That one hurt.”

I roll my eyes and smile.

We finally arrive at a charming little café for lunch. I’m so hungry that I warn Travis I might order the entire menu. He grabs my hand as we walk inside, and for the first time, it feels like Travis and I are a real couple, outing ourselves to the world and going on a date. Although it’s just lunch, it’s a huge step for us.

Now all we have to do is tell the person closest to us both and hope he doesn’t want to kill us together.

After lunch and dropping Travis off at the house, I drive back to school and call Drew on my way. I need to know what the hell is going on or it’s going to eat at me the rest of the night.

“Hey, I was just going to call you,” he answers.

“Oh? What about?” He can’t know that Travis already told me, so I play dumb.

“Mom wants us to come this weekend and stay overnight. I told her we’d be there for lunch tomorrow, so pack a bag, and I’ll come pick you up around ten.”

“Don’t I get a choice?” I add. “Did she say what the hell for?”

“No, nothing specific. And no, if I have to suffer, so do you.”

I groan. Would it make me sound like a brat if I didn’t want to go? But I don’t want to disappoint my mom, so I reluctantly agree.

After hanging up, I head to class and immediately after, I head back to my dorm and pack an overnight bag. I make sure to bring a few extra books just in case and store them in my favorite Book Beau sleeves. I text Travis before crawling into bed and tell him how much I’ll miss him. I also make sure to remind him of the leftover Chinese food in the fridge that Drew brought home, so he doesn’t go hungry.

And of course, being the cocky bastard that he is, he responds with a smart-ass comment.


Don’t forget to talk shit about me all weekend. Otherwise, Drew might get suspicious.


Shouldn’t be too hard. Been doing it for the past ten years. ??