The memory of what we had done still lingers in the room.

“Not sure,” I answer, hating to lie, but hoping she was able to make it back to the bathroom where our clothes were.

“What do you want, Drew? And what are you doing here?” I hear Viola question him from behind. “Making sure I’m doing what I’m told?”

He turns and looks at her. “I live here, remember? Yeah, I’m making sure you’re not slacking.”

Viola is burning holes through his head by the way she’s looking at him.

“Actually, I forgot my wallet, and it’s my turn to buy lunch today. Why are you being so weird?”

“I’m not being weird.” She storms into the kitchen with a groan. I hear the refrigerator door open, then slam closed.

“Yeah, she’s been weird for days,” I tell Drew just loud enough for Viola to hear, knowing it will aggravate the shit out of her, but we have to keep this up.

“She’s about to start her period,” Drew says with a laugh.

“Oh, that’s what it is? Makes sense. Thanks for the warning.” I chuckle, making sure to keep the blanket over my naked body.

“You’re an asshole. Actually, you’re both assholes,” she yells from the kitchen.

“Dude. Told you. Aunt Flo.” He looks at his phone, then back at me. “Is everything going okay so far?”

I think back to the shower, and then to the moment when Viola melted in my hands, the taste of her, and how my name fell from her lips as if she was claiming me as her own.

“Yeah,perfect,” I add a hint of sarcasm, which isn’t lost on him.

“I was hoping she’d warm up to you. I guess it’s going to take a few more days.”

I laugh. “Yeah, looks like it.”

“Might take the rest of time, though.”

If he only knew.

“So, Mia texted me.”

I can’t tell if he’s excited about it or not, so I stay neutral, but it makes me uneasy when I think about her.

“She’s been released from the hospital,” he adds.

“Well, that’s good news.” I focus on him, trying to read him.

“She wants to come over and talk about what happened after she finishes up some school projects.”

I’m not sure what my reaction should be at this moment. He doesn’t know the circumstances and hasn’t asked me one question, but I put on a fake smile because I know he loves her even though she doesn’t deserve him.

“That’s great.” But I know her being here is not a good idea. She’s playing my best friend, and I don’t like that one fucking bit.

“Shit. I’ve gotta go. I left Logan in the car. You two play nice, okay?”

I give him a nod, and he leaves me to my thoughts.

Mia is acting out, begging for attention, and she knows Drew will give it to her. I thought she’d learned a lesson, but clearly, I was mistaken.


Once Drew leaves, I make my way back to Travis’s room, where he’s getting dressed.