“Yeah, come on in.” I push myself up and lean against the headboard. “What’s with all the commotion?” I ask once he steps inside.

“Oh, sorry. I went to the gym for a couple of hours after work, and then I did some grocery shopping and bought you a few things.”

I raise my brows. “Really? Getting all domestic for me?”

“You wish,” he spits back. “But I figured you’d get sick of Viola’s PB&J specialty sandwiches pretty soon, so I grabbed you some cans of soup, ramen noodles, and chips.”

“Bon appétit,” I tease.

“I’ll bring dinner home after work tomorrow, but you guys are on your own for breakfast and lunch.”

“Thanks, man. Appreciate it.”

“Hopefully Viola doesn’t strangle you before the week’s over.”

I shrug, hoping he doesn’t see right through me. “I think my charm is starting to win her over.”

He laughs. “Right. That’ll be the day.”


Thumping from the kitchen startles me awake, making me nearly fall off the couch before I realize where I am. A blanket is over me, and I vaguely remember Travis covering me up before I fell deeper.

“Jesus, Drew!” I scold, looking over my shoulder to where the racket is coming from.

He pops his head around the kitchen wall and frowns. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were catnapping on thecouchthat you hate sleeping on.”

“Maybe you two should think about getting an upgrade. You’ve had this couch since you were freshmen.” I stand and fold the blanket and throw it over the back. “What the hell are you doing anyway?”

“Unpacking groceries. I figured it was the least I could do for making you help this week.”

“It’s fine. He’ll probably sleep most of the time anyway.” I walk toward the kitchen and see bags covering the counter. “Did you buy out the whole store, or what?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure what you wanted or what you could make without burning it, so I got a little of everything.”

I arch a brow and pout. “Funny.”

He shrugs, unapologetically. “I know.”

I help unpack everything and put it away, although I have no idea where he wants all this stuff, so I just randomly put them in the pantry.

“I’m going to check on Travis,” he says as we finish unpacking. “I have three more bags in the car...if you don’t mind grabbing them?” He flashes a wide grin my direction, knowing I can’t say no.

I groan. “Fine. You better have bought ice cream.”

He winks before walking away and heading down the hall to Travis’s room. I grab the rest of the bags and unload them all before I hear Drew waltz back in. “That was fast.”

“Well, I wasn’t sure where everything went, so I just stuffed them all into the same cupboard.” I flash him an evil smile as I toss the empty bags in the recycling bin. “But I did manage to put the cold items in the fridge.”

“Why do you enjoying messing with my OCD?” I can almost see the twitch in his eyes and laugh.

“Because it’s just too damn easy.”

He groans and begins opening the doors to the cupboards and pantry. “Jesus, Vi.”

“That’s what you get.”

“For what?” he asks with genuine confusion.