“So are you saying I should be sorry for knowing how to use my dick?”

She freezes and turns toward me. “No, you should be sorry for anyone that falls for your shit that gets them into your bed in the first place.” She presses her lips together in a fake smile and walks down the hall and back to where Drew is still playing his game.

I don’t know what her problem is, but I’m determined to find out.

It’s already ten o’clock, and I have a long day at the office tomorrow, but I can’t get Viola off my mind long enough to fall asleep.

This never happens, by the way.

Okay, well, maybe it does. Only when she gets under my skin, which happens to be all the damn time.

But you can’t blame me. She’s always perfect and proper, never wrong, and always knows the answer to everything. She’s that annoying smart kid in class who always fucks up the grading curve for everyone else. The one who wears modest clothes but somehow always ends up looking sexy as fuck.

On the outside, Viola Fisher is the poster child of innocence and purity. But I know better.

Viola Fisher has tattoos and a right hook that could make any grown man cry.


Ugh, I hate him! I hate him so much I want to scream until his ears bleed.

Every time he’s near me, my body temperature rises. He knows how to get me fired up to the point where I want to lose my shit all over him. One day during my freshman year, when he and Drew were juniors, I overheard a rumor about some of the crude jokes he was saying about me. I immediately saw red, already pissed about him asking one of my friends out during homeroom, so I walked toward him and tripped over my own feet, making my entire lunch tray land in his lap. It might not have been a complete accident, but nevertheless, he deserved it. Considering it was spaghetti and meatball day for lunch, he was pretty pissed at that little display of hatred.

But being the loyal sister that I am, I try to control myself.Trybeing the keyword.

“What are you two bickering about now?” Drew asks as I walk back to the couch, his eyes still glued to the TV screen as he works the game controller.

“About how his sexcapades better not disturb my sleep.” My last day of class is Friday and then I had planned on staying at Drew’s during spring break instead of going home, since campus will be shutting down this year. Something about budget cuts and not wanting to pay for the added security.

The corners of his lips perk up a little, but his eyes stay focused on whatever creature he’s aiming for. “Eh, you get used to it. Soon enough, it’s like calming music that puts you right to sleep.”

“Ew, that’s disgusting, Drew. Seriously. Have some standards.”

“I do! What do you want me to do? Tell him he can’t have girls over?”

“Uh, yeah. It’s your house too.”

“We each pay half the rent. I can’t do anything about what he does in his room or with who.”

I groan. “This is going to be the worst two weeks of my life.” Why does spring break have to be a whole week longer this year?

He pauses his game and finally turns toward me. “You could always go home and stay with Mom and Larry. Or go to Dad’s.”

I scowl. “I’d rather eat a rat.”

“Well, then suck it up, buttercup. Two weeks of manly bliss.” He winks and returns to his game.

I groan at the truth of his words and drop the subject.

My clothes finally finish up just after eleven p.m. The crack of thunder and sound of the sudden downpour turn my attention to the window, making me sigh at the horrible luck.


“You can crash on the couch if you’d like,” Drew calls over to me from the kitchen. “I’m about to head in.”


“Yeah…I haven’t started packing.”