Instead, I grab the blanket that’s fallen from her body and cover her back up. She looks absolutely breathtaking. Her chest rises and falls evenly, and her lips are lined in a soft pout. I miss the taste of her lips, and I desperately want to kiss them again.

But Ican’t.

If I’m going to prove myself to her, that she can trust me and that I’m all in, I need to change the game.

After turning off the TV, I slowly make my way back to my room and sleep off another round of pain meds. They make me so damn drowsy that I can barely see straight. As I sink into the sheets and my body goes numb, my thoughts drift to Viola and the girl who sat up on the rooftop with me when we were just kids.

“What’s your favorite movie?” she asked me, twirling her dark hair around her fingers.

“Hmm…” I thought about it for a moment. “Lord of the Rings, probably. I’ve seen it over a dozen times now.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed. “That’s boring.”

“Well, then tell me yours, if you think it’s so much better than mine.”

She smiled and looked up at the sky that was fading to black. “No laughing,” she warned, and I flashed her a devious smile.

“No promises.”

She glared back at me. “Then I’m not telling you.”

“C’mon, I’m just kidding. What is it?”

She shook her head no and pretended to zip up her lips.

I reached over and poked her in the side where I knew she was ticklish.

“Stop it!” she squealed, her feet kicking toward me. “Fine! I’ll tell you!”

I released her, but the touch of her warm skin on mine doesn’t go unnoticed.

“All right, spill it.”

“13 Going on 30,” she said with a shy look in her eyes. I’d seen her watching that several times since it came out, so I’m not surprised, but that didn’t stop me from teasing her about it.

“That’s because you have a huge crush on Mark Ruffalo!”

“Is not!” She pushed both hands against me, and I laughed.

I snorted. “Typical chick flick.”

“Oh really,Lord of the Rings? That’s a typical guy flick.”

“Men don’t have guy flicks,” I corrected. “We have action movies.”

She rolled her eyes again. “Boring.”

“So are chick flicks,” I countered.

“So you’d never watch a chick flick then?”

“No way. I’d lose my man card.”

The only reason I knew the term ‘man card’ was because Drew had said it several times to me. He mocked me for hanging out with Viola, but I tried to ignore it.

The sound of the front door closing shakes the house and wakes me. I think about the memory and how close Viola and I once were. We had formed a friendship that was bonded and full of trust. I want to feel that again. Most importantly, I wantherto feel that again.

“Travis, are you awake?” Drew’s voice comes from the hallway as he knocks quietly on my door.