Page 55 of Brutal Conquest

Hot, restless desire has been churning through me all week, and now it’s reaching a fever pitch. Ineedto feel Zenya’s lips against mine. I crave to crush her against my body, ram myself inside her and fill her up. I’m a starving man, and I’ve been starving for years. Sliding to my knees and pressing a kiss to her palm the other day has short-circuited my brain even more than going down on her did. A primal creature within me has awoken, and he won’t be soothed until I’ve claimed her.

I swore fealty to her.

That girl ismine.

Even her own father and Mikhail looking at her makes the monster inside me roar with jealousy.

“Is Adamovich going to pay up, Kristian?”

“Hm?” I tear my gaze away from my niece and turn to Troian. “Oh, of course he will. Zenya tore that man a new asshole and he was as obedient as a puppy by the time she was finished with him. Zenya can handle anyone.”

My niece tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and doesn’t say anything, but I notice a small smile on her lips. That’s right, baby. The Adamoviches and the Grigors of this world deserve to be ground to dust beneath your high heels.

“Zenya’s abilities are impressive,” Troian says with a smile. “But can she handle her wild uncle?”

I meet her eyes and give her a devilish smile, and her cheeks turn pink. “She’s the only one who can.”

“Moving on,” Zenya says quickly, turning to her father. “The Belyaevs need to make a show of strength. Make our presence known in the world. We’ve pulled out of a lot of social events these past two years and it’s eroded the confidence that people have in us.”

I nod in agreement. “You’re right, Zenya. Let’s make a splash, you and me. Show this city that the Belyaevs are stronger and more united than ever. I’ll take you out on the town.”

Zenya thinks about this and then says, “Perhaps we could do that, but I have another idea. It’s Yuri Golubev’s sixtieth birthday party in three days’ time. Dad’s not strong enough to attend, but I should go and represent us all.”

Yuri Golubev is head of the second most important Bratva family in the city. Everyone who’s important in our circle will be present. I nod in approval. “Good plan. I’ll go with you.”

Troian gazes at me in surprise and then laughs. “You’re not going to argue that your idea is better? Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

Two years ago, I would have spoken over everyone. Argued my point aggressively, even if someone else’s plan was just as good as mine.

But now it’s not important to win. Zenya’s what’s important. Which is a strange thought to have, considering I came back here with the express purpose of winning everything I want through her.

I flick my gaze to her, wondering if I’m screwing myself by giving up too much ground to her.

No, she’ll only fall harder for me if she knows I always have her back. “Zenya had the better idea.”

Zenya, Troian, and Mikhail all stare at me in shock.

Troian laughs again. The sound is a lot weaker than it used to be, and it seems to exhaust him, but he manages to say, “This mystery woman has tamed my brother. I never thought I’d live to see the day. You must tell me who she is because I want to meet her.”

Mikhail passes a hand over his face like he’s silently asking for strength. Zenya’s suddenly very interested in her nails. I remember my oath, that I won’t say anything to upset Troian, so Zenya’s going to have to be the one to tell her father about us.

“She’ll reveal herself when she’s ready.”

“I never pictured you with a shy girl, Kristian,” Mikhail deadpans.

“Only in some ways. In others, she’s as brave as a tigress. She’ll come out of hiding when she’s ready.”

I notice Zenya is wearing diamond earrings in her ears, the ones I gave her for her sixteenth birthday. She’s had an aloof manner with me for days and yet she dressed this morning while thinking about me. I bet she even hoped I’d notice them.

“What do you think, dandelion?”

She looks up, startled. “Me? I have no interest in your love life.”

A smile spreads over my face. “I’m talking about the party. You and I can talk about my love life later. I know you’re secretly dying to know more about it. Nice earrings, by the way.”

Zenya touches one of her earlobes briefly. “You’re welcome to come as my plus-one. If it will irritate you to be in my shadow, you’re better off just staying home.”

“It would be an honor to be by your side. Zenya Belyaev is the future leader of this family and everyone needs to know it.”