Page 53 of Brutal Conquest

I grab him by the hair and pull him back to Zenya.

He grabs my wrist and tries to escape my grasp, but he’s got no choice but to stumble over his own feet as I drag him across the carpet. “Ow! What the fuck! Let go of me, you fucking psycho.”

I make him straighten up and snarl in his ear, “I told you. Notyou fucking psycho. It’ssir.” I make him face her, and I’m not gentle about it. “What does my favorite niece owe you?”

“What are you talking about? Let go of me!”

“Zenya Belyaev, my brother’s first and most precious child, the most beautiful woman in this city and heir to the lion’s share of the Belyaev fortune, owes something to a sniveling dog like you?”

Grigor finally catches on and gasps, “Okay. No. She owes me nothing.”

I shake him so his teeth rattle. “Does she owe you a date?”


“Did she already turn you down?”

“Well, yes, but—”

“So you didn’t listen to a lady who turned you down?” I growl.


I shake him so hard his teeth clack together. “You’re nothing but a little shit stain, aren’t you? Say it.”

“What? Seriously, fuck off, man.”

He twists back and forth in my grip while I stand there with a hand in my pocket. Everyone around us is staring. I see someone I know across the room and give them a silent hello with a lift of my chin. He replies with an amused smile and toasts me with his coffee cup. Adamovich’s bodyguards have appeared, but they’ll keep out of this as long as the quarrel stays between me and this little idiot.

I turn back to Grigor struggling in my grip. “I know your father. I know your uncles. They’re good friends of mine. How about I throw you into the back of my car, drive you around to them, and tell them how you disrespected my niece?”

Grigor might not understand how dangerous it is to enrage the Belyaev clan, but his family will, and I happen to know Grigor’s father has a violent temper.

“You’re a nothing little shit stain. Say. It.”

Grigor turns red and mumbles, “I’m a nothing little shit stain.”

I throw him away from me by his hair. “If I catch you within a hundred feet of Zenya ever again, I’ll gut you like a fucking fish. Now get out of my sight.”

Grigor stumbles, rights himself, and throws me a dirty look before walking away quickly.

Zenya slips her hand into mine and puts her hand on my bicep, whispering up at me, “You didn’t need to do that.”

I glance down at her hand holding mine and the corner of my mouth lifts. I suspect she’s holding on to me so I don’t go after Grigor and beat him to death, but I’m still enjoying this. “Yes, I did. Since when were creeps like that allowed to drool over you and demand things from a Belyaev?”

She makes a rueful expression, and I can guess the answer. Ever since I left and Troian became too sick to remind everyone that we’re top of the food chain in this city.

I smooth her hair back and gaze down at her beautiful face. “Everything’s going back to the way it was before. In fact, it’s going to be even better because all these insolent fucks will learn to pay their respects to you.”

Zenya gazes up at me. “Dad thinks I should marry Grigor. Or marry someone, at least. You saw what Adamovich was like. Men in this line of work don’t take unmarried women very seriously. Or women in general. But with a strong man by my side…” Her nose scrunches in annoyance.

That’s unfortunately true, but that’s why she has me. To stand over any dickhead who doesn’t give my niece the respect she deserves. “If anyone else takes liberties with you, your uncle will teach them manners until they cry for their mothers.”

Zenya gives me an amused look. “You’ll have your hands full if that’s the case.”

Anger ripples through me as I glare around the room. Most people have lost interest in us now that the fight is over, but the few who were still staring look away quickly. “Who’s been harassing you? I’ll kill them.”

She shrugs. “Mostly they want to marry me.”