Page 11 of Brutal Conquest

“Then prove it. Swear you’ll never breathe a word of what happened here tonight.”

Uncle Kristian strokes his fingers through my hair with a smile. “Sure. I’ll keep your secret, princess.”

“Mysecret? You’re the one who did this.”

“For a price.”

“What price?” I feel a thrill of trepidation and something hotter as I wonder what he’s going to ask for. A kiss? Another taste of me?

He nods toward the door. “Let me take care of what’s downstairs. I have men with me. Mikhail is here, of course. We’ll clean up the bodies and get the merchandise to the Silo. You’ve had enough for tonight, and I want you home in bed.”

The Silo is where we store all our illegal goods for sale.

“I’m fine,” I say automatically. It’s what I’ve said every time someone’s questioned whether I could carry on these past two years. With Uncle Kristian gone and Dad bedridden, I’ve had to put on a strong front. I’m the eldest child, and when Dad passes away—which won’t happen for a long, long time; I won’t believe otherwise—he’s named me as his successor.

People are starting to wonder whether Dad will survive this latest bout of cancer. That’s probably why I was attacked tonight. We seem to be weakening, which means our territory and power is up for grabs.

“I wasn’t asking,” Uncle Kristian replies.

I glance at the door and shake my head. “I can’t believe they’re dead. Andrei. Radimir. Stannis.”

“They were good men. We’ll make sure their families are taken care of.”

“Because they were family to us,” I whisper. For a moment my eyes sting, but I fight for control and rein in my emotions.

I get up off Uncle Kristian’s lap and reach for my jeans, but he gets there first, picking them up and shaking them out for me. As natural as if he’s always done that.

I take my jeans back from him, my cheeks reddening at how forward he is. “I can dress myself.”

I manage it mostly, but it’s hard with an injured foot. Uncle Kristian holds me around the waist to stop me from toppling over. I refuse to look at him as I sit down and pull on my socks and shoes, but his presence is impossible to ignore. I can feel my cheeks heating even more as I remember that just a few minutes ago, I had my head flung back and my legs open while Uncle Kristian hungrily licked my clit.

Like he’s always wanted to do it.

Oh, Jesus.

Don’t think about that right now.

In fact, never think about it again.

I look toward the door. All those dead bodies. The merchandise. There’s so much to do, and I can barely walk. How am I going to—

I gasp as Uncle Kristian scoops me into his arms and carries me downstairs. “I told you, I’ll take care of it after I get you home.”

I’ll take care of it.I can’t remember the last time anyone said that to me.

I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I can take care of myself.

As if he can sense my thoughts, Uncle Kristian puts his lips against my ear and murmurs huskily, “You love it when I take care of you, princess.”

My toes curl in my shoes as his double meaning shoots straight to my clit. Tonight feels like a fever dream that I can’t wake up from.

There’s a black Corvette brooding on the far side of the parking lot. Uncle Kristian makes a beeline for it, and it unlocks automatically as we approach.

“Open the door for me. I’ve got my arms full.” He leans down so I can reach the handle.

I stare at it, and then over at my car. I couldn’t drive it even if Uncle Kristian did put me down and let me hobble away from him, and so I pull the door open.

“What are you even doing here?” I ask him as he settles me in the passenger seat.