Page 58 of My Lucky Charm

“She’s okay.” Devin mumbled again.

“It’s been a long day I’m sure,” I spoke up from the edge of the circle created by the brothers. He looked up at me, worn down and nearly defeated.

“Hannah, it really means a lot to me that you’re here. I’m sure it’ll mean a lot to Lilly too.”

Forcing out a smile, I nodded. “Of course Devin. Whatever you guys need I’m here.”

“I should probably get back there. Bryce, she said she wants you back there first. Let’s go.”

Bryce barely lifted his head to acknowledge his brother but made his way to the door behind Devin. The others looked at me and back at their brother, shaking their heads in disapproval.

“I’m going to go grab a coffee downstairs. Anyone need anything?”

I needed to get away from everyone. Even if it was just a few minutes. The boys shook their heads and resumed their activities as I left. The room was making me claustrophobic.

Chapter Twenty Six


Devin didn’t say a word the whole way to Lilly’s room. Even when he opened the door, it nearly smacked me when he didn’t hold it for me. Lilly was resting with a burrito blanket rolled in her arms.

“Before you ask, no, I’m not naming this one Bryce.” She smiled wide knowing I had been lobbying for their kids to be named after me since she was pregnant the first time. Turning off the part of me that was a complete screw-up whose life was imploding, I smiled back.

“Alright but I can still be The Godfather, right? You promised.”

Her face turned back to the baby as she nodded.

“Did you fix things?”

Lilly had texted me after everyone found out Hannah left my pathetic ass. She told me I needed to give her space but not enough that she could run. Hannah was a lot like her from what she could tell and I needed to prove I was going to fight for her, for us.

My hands rubbed over the back of my neck. How the hell was I going to tell a hormonal, few hours post birth, mama bear I managed to dig myself so deep that dirt was almost covering me?


Devin shot me a look before stopping my stammering.

“Lilly, everyone else is in the waiting room. How about you let him hold no name so the rest of them can come in.”

“Did you really just call our precious little cowboy No name? Devin Gregory, you better get your ass out of this room and fetch Hunter before I say something I can’t take back.”

Crossing the room he kissed the top of her head, “sorry baby.”

The door closed with a soft click behind him leaving me alone with Lilly.

“Do you want to hold him?”

Holding the baby toward me, I graciously took him and cradled him close.

“He’s smaller than Jer was when he was born.”

“He’s a little over six pounds. Before your idiot brother gets back, talk to me, Bryce. What the hell happened? Don’t make me text Hannah and get her side first.”

Gently rocking my body back and forth my vision couldn’t focus on anything more than the tiny human in my arms. So innocent and unaware of the horrible things life could do to you. Blissfully sleeping and in his world of happiness.

“I royally messed up. I said things I didn’t mean. Lilly, I don’t even know why I said them. It was like I was standing there shouting at myself to stop, knowing that I was hurting her, but my mouth just said screw you, and kept going.”

Lilly always did this thing where she would just nod and you could see she was formulating her response. She didn’t dare speak before she knew you had gotten everything off your chest.