Page 56 of My Lucky Charm

“We’ll walk you home before Lilly finds out none of us are in the waiting room.”

My body stilled at his words.

“Wait, is she okay? Is the baby okay?”

Evan shrugged, “she’s in labor. Devin sent us to get your stubborn ass home so you don’t miss shit. Should leave you out here to teach you a lesson.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Stiffening at the comment, my shoulders pulled back. Evan didn’t step back or make his posture any less threatening.

“We’ve treated you like a baby ever since mom and dad died. Tried to protect your dumb ass from the world and you go and fucking destroy that poor girl. You’re an entitled asshole. Hannah doesn’t deserve someone like you that’s for sure.”

Hunter pulled Evan's shoulder back trying to stop him from talking.

“No, Hunter, please I would love to hear more of what Evan has to say. Especially since he doesn’t have the balls to say shit to the person he’s been simping for let’s see how many years now?”

“Bryce watch yourself…” Hunter’s tone was nothing more than a warning.

“Is that what you all think of me? That I’m just some entitled brat? After Devin left for the Army all you guys did was hold me back. You never let me experience shit. I am always the last one to know everything. You think that was helping me?”

Luke's phone rang in the middle of my yelling but it didn’t stop me. I just kept going.

“Family meetings were something I never got invited to. You all think I’m some idiot that I didn’t hear you guys when I was younger. Grandpa sat the three of you down after Devin left. Telling you how things would go and you know what he never fucking said? He never once said my name. I was never included in his plans for this farm. I’m a fucking afterthought. So yeah Hannah does…”

“Shut the fuck up all of you,” Luke screamed over me. “Yeah okay. We’ll get there as fast as we can. It’ll be okay Devin. Just hold tight.”

Our eyes all shot to Luke as the tone of his voice shifted. It was the calming one he used on the livestock when they were hurt. We stared back at him as he shoved his phone in his pocket and raced back to his ATV, cracking the engine on.

“We need to get to the hospital now. They had to rush Lilly in for an emergency C-section. They won’t tell Devin anything yet. So whatever this shit is can wait. Lilly and Devin need us.”

Suddenly my problem seemed insignificant. Lilly and Devin needed us. All of us.

Chapter Twenty Five


Nicole handed me a spoon to go with the ice cream she held in her hand. Settling next to me she was silent as we both dug into our containers. At least I had stopped crying for a little while. Cole had walked in and almost had a panic attack. He thought something had happened to Bryce. After a quick, silent, conversation with Nicole, he told me if I needed anything he was there. He ran to the store and got us junk food and reminded me that Bryce was going through a lot and he probably said shit he didn’t mean. I assured him that the venom that slipped from his lips was intentional.

“So, Han, you are welcome to stay here as long as you need to. You know that right?” Nicole slipped the spoonful of chocolate ice cream between her lips after she spoke.

“Thanks. I just need a few days to figure out where to go.”

I would have to go back and pack up my things. That was if he hadn’t taken it all and thrown it on the front lawn already. The way he accused me of only being with him because of being a rider was what hurt the most. He knew me better than that. Bryce knew that I was scared to lose him and scared that I wasn’t enough. To say that I was just looking for the spotlight hurt.

“You know Cole is right. I’m sure once he has some time to think he’ll come running back and apologize.”

“Don’t want one. He said what he wanted to.” I popped another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth to stifle my cry.

“Oh, Hannah you don’t mean that do you? You guys love one another. You aren’t going to throw it all away because of something your brother did, are you? Jason was always a selfish ass. He didn’t even like us for the longest time.”

Shifting myself to face her I drew in a deep breath to steady myself.

“Nic, I really appreciate it but what he said, how he said it, I can’t just forget that and move on. He accused me of telling him to ride just so I could be in the spotlight.”

Just then my phone pinged. Picking it up I wasn’t sure who would be messaging me.

Morgan: hey! Evan asked me to text you. Lilly is in labor yay new baby is coming finally.