Page 54 of My Lucky Charm

The front door swung open and Bryce slowly walked inside, his eyes down on his phone. My hands reached over and poured myself another helping of whiskey. I needed it.

“Why are we even here? I thought you said Devin wanted to talk to me about a project.”

Hunter and Evan both looked over at me, the apparent project. Realizing that the room had gone silent Bryce looked up, his eyes meeting mine. The flash of happiness was instantly replaced with one of apprehension and sadness. Devin appeared at the door behind him, blocking any of us from leaving.

“Bryce, you and sunshine here are going to play a game of whiskey truth. She already knows all the rules. We’ll be down at the barn when you two are done.”

Without another word the three brothers walked out of Evan's house, leaving Bryce and me staring at one another in ear-splitting silence.

Chapter Twenty Four


Confusion took over my brain. Why was Hannah here and why in the world was she holding a glass of whiskey? It was a solid rule, no women were allowed to play the game.

We both stood, our eyes falling and lifting to catch the others' gaze. The precarious nature of our situation hanging above us, an axe swinging like a pendulum. She lifted the bottle pouring two glasses of whiskey. Her hand extended, the liquid shaking ever so slightly in the glass.

“Want one?”

The edge of her pink lip tilted up, barely a smile but an attempt. Her eyes, were red and puffy, had she been crying? I didn’t want to be here, not knowing that I couldn’t take her in my arms and fix her. Even though I didn’t want to admit it, all I wanted right now was to fix her. I hated knowing she was sad.

“Sure. Thanks.”

Silence enveloped us yet again as I tipped the liquid down my throat. Five minutes had passed but it may as well have been a few hours. Finally, when I thought it was going to break me she opened her mouth.

“You know the rules of that game make no sense right?”

Then she did something I didn’t expect, she laughed. Her smile shone on her face like a beacon of light in the dark. A darkness I needed someone to pull me from.

“Yeah, well us Gregory’s rarely make any sense. We don’t have to play.”

She stepped closer, her hand grazing my forearm. The chill ran up my arm and straight down to my dick.

“I think they wanted us to.”

“Yeah, Devin seems to think alcohol helps solve everything. So, since you know the rules, Hannah, what do you want to ask?”

She drew her lip between her teeth, looking at the bottle again.

“Do you want to go back to riding?”

That’s where she wanted to start, she went straight for the gut with that one.

“Do you want me to?”

“I want you to be happy Bryce.”

The rules of whiskey truth were simple; you asked questions but didn’t give answers. If you made a statement or gave an answer you took a shot. The whole point was to bait the other people so they responded without a question. Bringing her glass to her lips, she drank it with ease. She was going to be drunk soon with how much I saw her drinking already.

“What difference does it make?”

Again she responded, “it makes a difference to me. I want you to know I’m here for you.”



“Because I care about you Bryce. I didn’t give you a chance to talk before I ran away.”