Page 52 of My Lucky Charm

Evan: Did Hannah tell you everything?

Bryce: yeah she did.Well sort of at least

Hunter: we wouldn’t have kept that from you. Just talk to her Bryce. She’s really upset

Bryce: can’t

Evan: why the hell not? Don’t be an asshole

Claire: Don’t be hard on her. It isn’t her fault her brother did what he did.

Bryce: can’t be hard on her she left me

That got my phone to ring. Evan first. When I declined Luke’s name popped up, then Hunter, then Claire, and finally the ring leader, Devin. I took great pleasure in pressing the red button each time. There was nothing they could say to fix this. Kelly once again took away the only happiness and comfort I had.

Chapter Twenty Three


There was no amount of makeup that could cover up how puffy my eyes were. The eye drops helped with the redness but what good was it when my face was splotchy? I had no choice but to leave the hotel room I had been staying in since I visited Bryce on Friday. It was Monday morning and I had a job. Even though I would be handing in my resignation at the end of the day, that didn’t mean I could skip work now.

An eerie quiet hung around me as I made my way into the little office that had been set up for me. Typically Monday morning I would go say hello to Morgan in the shop, skipping the trip I sat at my desk staring at the photos I had up on my cork board. Most were Bryce and I making stupid faces, a few photos of Bryce with his family’s and of course there were the drawings that Molly and Sophie had made for me.

Nicole: you free today for lunch?

My phone danced on my desk and where a text from my friend would have normally been welcomed, today it just made me feel that much worse. I hadn’t told her anything about what happened.

Hannah: I should be yeah

Nicole: can I come by around one?

Hannah: would be better to meet somewhere. Maybe that restaurant on Main Street?

Nicole: you sure? I know your plate is full I don’t want to fake you away.

Hannah: I could use the distraction

Nicole: is everything okay with Bryce? Cole was going to head over there today

Dropping my face into my hands I scrubbed them against my skin. No, everything wasn’t okay. My entire world felt like it was imploding. I couldn’t face Bryce, not after knowing my sister-in-law was the person he wanted most when he got injured. That my brother told a young kid that lost his parents that he wasn’t welcome in the one place he loved. Logically, I knew none of that was my fault. I was just as young as Bryce was and I couldn’t have controlled the situation but once one of the domino pieces was tipped; the rest started colliding right after.

Thinking back to when my nephew was born I didn’t think much of his name. His middle name specifically. Even after I met Bryce it never ever seemed like a big deal. However, now it was a glaring reminder that Kelly still thought about him. Enough so that she named her son after him. How could I ever expect to bring Bryce home? Push his face in all of it.

Who was I kidding? My family would have never accepted Bryce anyway. They would have done one of two things. The first would be to turn their noses up at some country boy who rode a bull for a living. Although, now there was a chance he wouldn’t ever do that again. The second thing was my mother would latch onto him like a leech. The fame and glory of being near a famous bull rider. I could just see it now and it made me sick.

Why hadn’t I seen any of this coming?

“Ugh. You’re so fucking stupid Han.” The words were barely a mumble from my lips when I heard a deep voice behind me.

“Not really sure I agree with that.” Devin stood at the door frame of my tiny office, his stetson in his hand.

“Sorry Devin, I didn’t realize anyone else was around.”

“No need to apologize sunshine. I just came to see how you were doing.”

How I was doing was a long and complicated answer. Naturally telling anyone what was going on wasn’t the first thought that went through my mind.

“I’m fine. Just trying to figure out the best way you guys can incorporate the horse rescue into the farm tour in a more organic way since it’s so far off the trail.”