Page 37 of My Lucky Charm

In the short time I had known him I figured out that Bryce rambled when he got nervous. He also second guessed himself a lot. Placing my hand on his arm, he was talking so fast I wasn’t even sure he realized he needed a breath in between words.

“Yes, I am coming. I don’t have a problem supporting you, in whatever way that you need it Bryce. I mean hell, your family hired me, and you gave me a place to stay. I kind of owe you don’t I?”

“Hannah, you don’t owe me a damn thing. My family, having you at the farm, has been so helpful. Claire hasn’t shut up about how much you have been doing.”

My cheeks heated instantly. They were giving me such a big chance yet acted like they should thank me. We walked hand in hand out of the area I had met him in. Being on the farm was more than a dream job for me. It was a place I never realized I was searching for.

“Bryce, how long until you have to be at dinner?”

He looked down at his phone to see the time.“I have to wrap up here and then I’ll probably have like two or three hours. Why?” His eyebrow rose as a mischievous smirk crossed my face. While I usually wouldn’t be one to openly say what I wanted from him right now, seeing him all worked up from his ride, there was only one thing that kept crossing my mind.

Stepping closer he pressed his mouth to my ear. The low rumble of his voice as it strained to stay quiet sent a chill down my spine.“Darlin, I’m pretty sure whatever you’re thinking right now won’t take me more than five minutes the first go around. I’ve missed you so damn much.”

“I’ve been thinking about you too, cowboy.”

“Oh really. What have you been thinking?”

Biting down on my lip I regretted saying anything at all. Well, at least saying it out here in the open. Going up on my tiptoes I leaned into him. Placing a quick peck on his cheek before lowering my voice and attempting to sound sexy.

“What’s that saying again? Save a horse, ride a cowboy?”

His eyes went wide before he closed them as if he’s trying to find his balance. Just as I intended the delivery of my confession to go. It had been a long two weeks away from him.

“I’m going to need a minute.”

Smiling, pleased with myself, I interlaced our fingers. Our hands fit together perfectly. The sensation of just how perfect this all is makes my heart swim in bubbles of happiness.

“Take your time cowboy. I’m at your beck and call until I have to head back to the farm.”

“God, I’ve never hated being away from that place until I knew you were there.”

“Well, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be there when you get back.”

Scrubbing his hands over his face he nodded. The same look of sadness crossing his eyes that I saw the day he left two weeks ago.

“I know. Just sucks that I can’t have my cake and eat it too is all.”

I knew exactly what he meant. When I took the job I had hoped I would get to see him more often, but I didn’t think about the fact that his time would be divided between riding and the farm. Even when he came home, I was certain he would be busy most of the time. In the two short weeks I had been on the farm I saw how long the days were for the men. Up and out by five in the morning most days and often, they were out until the sun set. I had almost asked Lilly how she handled Devin being away all day.

There was a sense of envy watching the Gregory family doing their everyday tasks. It was like a well-oiled machine. They all looked to Devin for answers but Claire was the one running the show.

Evan handled all the animals. A girl, who I hadn’t caught her name yet, usually helped him out when she wasn’t in the store. I wouldn’t say anything to anyone, since I was so new, but I suspect there’s something going on between them.

Hunter and Luke, well they were the wild cards. They seemed to always be running around fixing up something or working in the fields. Hunter had a piece of property, I hadn’t seen it yet, that they were always discussing how the progress of his work was going.

Luke was the goofball. Always making everyone smile and laugh. He seemed to enjoy being on the farm most of all. A long day in the heat never bothered him.

“Hannah?” Bryce closed the door to the hotel room he was staying in. My lashes fluttered over my lust filled eyes.

“Damn, I didn’t realize how much I missed you.” His fingers tightly gripped my hips.

“Feelings mutual cowboy.”

The tip of his tongue flicked the spot just below my ear, causing my skin to erupt in prickles in sheer excitement.

“I’m warning you right now, I’m not going to last long.” Kisses traced down my collarbone. “Hope fast and hard won’t be a problem.”

Swallowing down the long-awaited anticipation I nodded. “No problem at all. Hard and fast sounds perfect.”