Page 28 of My Lucky Charm

It was a good question. One I didn’t have an answer to. Besides that I wanted five minutes alone with her.

Bryce: I’d like to talk to someone who isn’t trying to get me back to their room just to take advantage of me

Bryce: shit that came out wrong.

Hannah: maybe later

Watching as she got up she walked over to Nicole. I was certain I just blew my shot with her tonight.

Cole summoned me to do shots at the bar before it closed for the night. Knowing I had nothing better to do, and it got me away from the swarm of women that had pestered me all night, I agreed.

Almost all the guests had left except the few that were staying at the hotel. Hannah walked up behind us and hugged Cole.

“I’m heading up now. You treat my girl well, got it?”He laughed, enveloping her in his arms.

“Not a damn chance. She’s getting it…”

“Alright I don’t need the game plan. I’m sure she’ll tell me tomorrow anyway.”

They both laughed, and I was insanely jealous of their relationship. Waiting for her to walk away I got up and decided I couldn’t let her go again.

Meeting at the elevators she rolled her eyes.

“This again?”

“Hannah, I assumed you would have asked to be brought up. Guess you aren’t learning. This is our thing now.”

Shrugging she got into the elevator without a word. The passion from last night was missing. She seemed almost pissed at me.

“Did I do something wrong?”Cautiously I asked as the doors closed in front of us.


“You seem to be avoiding me.”

“Nope, just busy making sure everything went perfect for Nicole and Cole. No reason to avoid you.”

“My brothers told me the meeting this morning went really well. They were impressed. Not that I’m surprised.”

The doors opened on her floor and she stepped off. Fidgeting with her key card in her hand she responded in a voice so low I almost didn’t hear her.

“Good to know.”

We were at her door and I knew I had two seconds to make a move. Without hesitation I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me.

“I’m going to kiss you again Hannah.”

Planting my lips against her softly. Waiting for her to push me away and tell me to get off, I was met with her mouth parting. My tongue teased against hers. Grabbing the key card from her hand I slid it in the slot opening the door behind us.

“Bryce…”She panted, pulling away just enough to speak.“You have a long drive back.”

“I had a few beers and shots. Probably won’t be able to drive for a while.”

Her hands planted themselves on my chest. Her head hung down as she took in a deep breath.

“There’s a couch over there you could sleep it off.”

“There’s also an enormous bed right there. You said that you don't sleep with guys you meet in an elevator. I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself. I won't do anything except sleep. Scouts honor.”