Page 20 of My Lucky Charm

His kitchen wasn’t much. White cabinets with old beaten up countertops. He probably didn’t spend much time here. Based on how often he was doing rides and competitions he probably lived out of a suitcase. Yet it felt like a home. The entire farm did.

Walking back in five minutes later he looked like a completely different person. I had seen him in a swimsuit, shorts, jeans, and basically every casual cowboy outfit during his rides but this hit in a particular way that I hadn’t accounted for.

Stepping into the room his hand was at his neck adjusting a black tie. Laying off center as he tugged at it. His black slacks and white button down fit him so perfectly I almost wished he had just worn this outfit all the time.

I thought he was sexy as hell in his cowboy attire but this. This brought a warmth between my legs I hadn’t had in…shit.This bubbling of emotions hadn’t been this strong since he walked up to me at the pool.

What the hell did that say for my two-year relationship with Lucas? Sure, I found him attractive but nothing like what my body did when I saw Bryce. It had to be because I knew he was single. The lack of attachment meant Icoulddo something with him if I wanted to try. Which I didn’t. It would be insane. He hadn’t contacted me in two years. He wasn’t interested now.

“I hate wearing these stupid things. I can never get it right. Is it at least basically straight?” He looked over at me, dropping his hands. Shaking my head, I stood and crossed the room.

“Not even a little. I could help. If that’s okay.” Offering a sheepish smile I hoped he would say yes.

“You know how to fix a tie?” His brow rose in wonder.

“I have two older brothers. I can also change a tire, my oil, and tell the difference between a car leaking antifreeze and just condensation from using the AC in the summer.”

Reaching out I didn’t think twice before I began to fix his mistakes. I could feel his eyes pinned on me the whole time. Not saying a word as we both held our breath. Of course, mine was because if I took in another inhale of his smell I may as well get on my knees right now.

It was just a basic cologne. A woodsy manly smell. Not anything super fancy but it had me praying that I would not be leaving a wet spot in his truck when I got out.

Stepping back I looked at my handiwork.

“All fixed. We should probably get going now. In case of traffic.”

He just nodded, his chest still filled with the oxygen he wasn’t letting escape. Taking a few steps into the kitchen he grabbed his keys.

“You’re in the country darlin’ there isn’t traffic.”

I hadn’t heard that term in two years and it immediately brought a blush to my cheek. My heart fluttered at the term.

“Right. Forgot about that.”

Opening the front door he ushered me out first. Not bothering to lock the house up.

“You don’t lock your doors?”

“Nope. No need. You’ve seen inside, nothing of much value in there. Carry the only important thing I own in my wallet.”

Helping me into his truck he waited for me to settle before closing the door and rounded the back of the truck. The hotel wasn’t that far but it may as well be on the other side of the country right now. Being so close to him, seeing that smile again, the one that had been missing during his last few rides was nice.

It made me that much more nervous that we still had a few more days together. After tomorrow, if things went well, and I got a job here things would be awkward, I was sure. When he was back at the farm, though I doubted it was often, we could run into one another.

I was glad he was happy, don't get me wrong. I just felt that overwhelming uncertainty creeping up my spine. A feeling I couldn’t seem to shake.

Chapter Ten


My gut told me Gigi had been cheating for a while. In our short time together nothing about her screamed faithful. After about a week together I got myself tested. If that wasn’t the most awkward moment of my life. Having to go to a family doctor who knows my entire family personally and telling him I had been with someone I didn’t trust. The look I got was well deserved and expected.

I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face when she texted me. I hoped Hannah hadn’t seen the text. It definitely didn’t paint me as a great guy. Knowingly being with someone cheating on me made me look pretty damn stupid. Luckily, the text about my sexual performance being horrible came through when the phone was in my hand.

While I hadn't had that many partners I had never had any complaints. Even my first time went better than expected. I hadn’t made a complete fool of myself. Lasted a whole three minutes. I had made sure she was taken care of before we even started, a useful tip from Evan.

“So, you plan on moving here? I mean if you’re looking to work at the farm I can’t imagine you’ll want a long commute.”Blurting out the first thing that popped into my head it wasn’t my business what she was doing. Of course I wanted it to be. Maybe if I could get out of my head long enough in the next few days her decisions could be.

“Maybe. I mean I haven’t given it much thought I guess. Moving closer to Nic and Cole is appealing. Your sister seems to think I could be a really excellent asset to the farm.”