Page 17 of My Lucky Charm

Rolling my eyes, my head shook knowing that whatever Cole was up to right now would do nothing other than complicate my life.

“What now?”

Smiling, he shoved his phone back in his pocket. Taking a few steps closer to me he patted my shoulder.“You’re currently single. As of tomorrow morning, every media outlet will know that you and Gigi have been taking a much-needed break from your relationship. Don’t worry they’re spinning it that it was mutual and no she won’t be causing any issues. They made her sign an NDA when the first story hit the news. Anything she tries to do or say will land her in court for months.”

My jaw dropped. I should have been upset or even pissed but the only thing that coursed through my veins right now was relief.“What the hell? How… I mean why?”

“When she showed up everyone on the team knew she was going to be trouble. It was easier to prepare for the damage control right out of the gate than make either of you look like horny kids screwing around. You had an image built up already. The hometown good cowboy. No way they were going to let that go.”

Punching him in the biceps was the best I could do right now. Putting all my weight into it he stumbled as I threw him off balance.

“You’ve made me suffer the last two months with her shit when you could have shut it down that fast? What the fuck?”

He was laughing at me, nearly doubling over at his own sick joke. “Bryce, you’ve been making yourself suffer for two years. I didn’t do anything but hope being near another girl would wake you the fuck up. Apparently, the only thing I didn’t think to do was dangle Hannah in front of you.”

“Jesus Cole, when are you and Nic going to let that go? She’s not interested. She was being nice two years ago. That’s all it was.”

He stood taller moving a few feet from my truck. A devious smirk causing the corners of his mouth to turn up as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“So, if I told you right now she's at Gregory Orchards you wouldn’t care? Wouldn’t you want to give her a personal tour?”

I appreciated what he was doing but even if she was single; he was dead wrong. She wasn’t going to just show up here. There was no chance in hell she would want me to give her a tour.

“I’m not an asshole, I wouldn't be rude. If she wanted a tour, sure I could do that. She isn’t here though, so…”

Bringing his phone to his ear he held his hand up. That was when the smile on his face grew and I knew I just damned myself.“Hey baby, yeah. He’ll be there in like five. No problem. Love you too.”

“That was low. Even for you Cole. I’m covered in mud. I look like shit and probably smell it too.”

I had been shoveling out the horse barn for the greater part of my morning before helping wrangle the damn goats back in their pens. A job that you rarely walked away from clean.

“Well, since she doesn’t like you and you don’t have a thing for her it shouldn’t matter much then, huh?”

With everything I had I wanted to punch him again. It wouldn’t solve anything and I doubted it would make me feel any better.

Nicole and Hannah were standing at the edge of the fencing feeding some goats when we drove up in the only vehicle I could find that wasn’t being used. While it was nice to do a walking tour of the property if I wanted to really show her around this was the way to do it.

They both turned, hearing the gravel and dirt kicking up under the tires. How was it possible she could make a pair of jeans and a t-shirt look so damn good?

A lump had been rising in my throat that despite my best efforts, I couldn’t swallow down. I turned off the ignition and hopped out of the gator. Turning on the charm that I always had when we had guests I did my best to push down the thoughts of how she wasn’t just any guest.

“So I heard I need to give a tour. Didn’t realize that Nic now schedules them.”

Walking up to me she shoved my shoulder.

“I do when my best friend comes by and deserves special treatment.”

Before I could say anything Claire walked out of the store, mud caked in her hair and a deep scowl on her face. Her eyes met mine as she saw I was with people. Her look softened.

“What the hell happened to you?”

She sneered walking closer.“Damn horses. This is Devin and your project and somehow I get dragged through the mud. Literally. Oh Hannah, I thought you said you’d be by tomorrow. Well, this is what I normally look like so it is what it is I guess.”

Everyone’s eyes shot to Hannah. Someone who had her face quickly turn a bright red.

“Oh yeah, I am. Nicole wanted to stop by so I tagged along. We’re still set for tomorrow.”

Nicole and Cole exchanged looks proving I wasn’t the only one not in the loop.