Page 22 of My Lucky Charm

“About that, my cousin broke his leg and he can't stand up there with us anymore. You don’t have to make a speech or anything. It’s just escorting the maid of honor.”

How convenient. I swear if this wasn’t the universe pushing the two of us together I wasn’t sure what it was. Holding my arm out she blushed, looping her arm onto mine. Stepping forward, she didn’t move with me. Looking back at her she still didn’t move.

“You okay?”She asked with her brow furrowing.

“You think they broke his leg on purpose?”

Taking a second I mulled over the answer.“Knowing them, possibly. You think they could make this any more obvious?”

“Yes, which is the terrifying part. Nicole told me you broke up with your girlfriend. I’m sorry about that. You both seemed so happy. I’m sure all the girls in the wedding party will be happy. Finally getting a shot with the famous bull rider from Riverside and all.”

I wanted to ask if she was one of them. Instead, I bit my tongue.

“Nothing to be sorry about. Can’t always believe what you see on social media Darlin.”

“I guess you’re right.”

Finally moving, I took her lead and followed to where the rehearsal dinner was taking place. Their actual ceremony was in a tiny chapel in the center of town. The priest didn’t ask the wedding party to even show up since walking down an aisle isn't rocket science. Instead, he sat down with Cole and Nicole to go over the papers they would need signed and the actual vows.

Pulling the chair out for Hannah to sit down, she glanced over her shoulder, smiling. It only took a few mins for the tables in the room to be swarming with people. News traveled fast as the bridesmaids each came up to introduce themselves.

They were smart. I would give them that. They came over to say hi to Hannah and see how she was doing and conveniently they would turn the conversation to me. Each one of them doing their own take on the, I’m so sorry to hear you’re single and if I needed anything, let them know.

Being the polite country boy my grandmother raised me to be, I smiled and held a handful of painful and unnecessary conversations. By the time dessert was served Hannah had distanced herself completely from me. It was done so slowly I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t tracking her like prey.

“I was so sad to hear you two were done. You were so cute together but it’s her loss right? She wasn’t good enough for you.”Nicole’s cousin, Cindy or Cathy was it, had been going on for a good five minutes about how much better I could do.

Nodding my head, I responded. “Mm hmm yeah I know. Would you excuse me for a minute?”

“Oh yes. Alright.”

My mind and line of sight wasn’t on the person talking to me. I had fixated them across the room the whole time. Hannah hugged Nicole and Cole and was on her way to the door. By the time I caught up to her she was almost to the elevator. Looking absolutely exhausted she pulled her phone out.

“Hey, you trying to leave without saying goodbye?”

Quickly turning, she shoved her phone into her bag.“You seemed pretty busy. Didn’t think it made a difference.”I couldn’t tell if she was angry with me or upset. Why couldn’t I read her like any other girl I had been around?

“Not busy at all. Was kind of hoping someone would save me from having to hear how amazing I was one more time from people who don’t know me.”

The elevator doors opened, and she stepped inside. Without waiting for an invitation I took a step inside and the doors closed in front of us.

“What are you doing?”

She almost looked scared being trapped in an elevator with me.

“Making sure you get to your room safely. Did you forget? It’s our thing.” The minute the words fell from my lips I cringed. In my head it was our thing, not something I should have said out loud.

“This again? I’m sure your fan club will miss you.”

I didn’t say another word. It was obvious she was bothered by all the other women giving me attention. When the only one I wanted to talk to left the table and deserted me.

Once the doors opened in front of us, she carefully stepped off the elevator and pulled a key card out of her bag. Her room was on the far side of the hallway. A corner room which meant she sprung for not only the better view but the larger bed.

Stopping at the door, she turned to me. Her eyes were finding it hard to meet mine.

“Thanks, made it safe, you can go back down now.”

Taking a deep inhale of oxygen, I let my voice come out low and with a hint of suggestion. “What if I don’t want to?”