“Oh man, they need to keep those things on the highway instead of doing a cattle drive through the middle of town. You should report the rancher to the EC.”

“Ah, about that…”

I explain what happened, and she bursts into laughter.

“Calm down, El, it’s not that funny.”

“Yes, it is. But fortunately, you were saved by a knight in shining scales. Was he hot?’

“What makes you ask me that?” I say, a bit flabbergasted and a lot embarrassed.

“The way you’re glowing.”

I feel my cheeks turning red.

“Yes,” I say. “He’s hot.”



The sky is a little bluer, the air tastes as sweet as nectar, and my step has never been lighter.

Why am I feeling this way? I’m a Vakutan, by the Precursors. I’m not Count Vasper, ready to throw away his entire lineage and fortune over a peasant human girl.

And yet, I can’t get her off my mind. Strolling through Touchdown, I can’t help looking around at the familiar sights and imagining scenarios where I share them with Olivia.

Oh no, don’t go to Ralstor’s Café, unless you want a case of Kiphian Botulism. Henegra’s Kabobs is right down the avenue, and the food is much better. No, don’t go down that alley. There’s a Nightstick pusher who camps out by the trash incinerator and he’s kind of aggressive. No, of course I don’t mind going into the lingerie store with you…

But most of all, I wanted to show her my secret spot, a place in Touchdown no one else knows about. I know I’m getting way ahead of myself, but I felt a genuine connection with Olivia.

Or maybe I’m imagining all of that because I find her so damn sexy.

I’m really losing it. I don’t get all gooey inside for women. I harden myself against such thoughts and try to focus on what’s truly important. Namely, starting my asteroid mining operation as soon as possible.

I find my way to the Star port and ask around until one of the bored security guards directs me to the manager’s office.

I have to cross a picket line of taxi drivers on the way. They stop everyone else who tries to cross over, but not me. They part for me, as they damn well should. Full blooded Vakutan coming your way, you all better make way.

That’s the attitude I keep all the way into the freight manager’s office. I rap on the door and hear a gruff voice from the other side.

“It ain’t locked.”

Using the console on the side, I cause the metal panel door to slide upward and out of sight. I step through the portal and find myself staring at a short, portly human sitting at a desk with about six different holo screens open in front of him. The earpiece he wears suggests he’s on a voice only communication as well.

“Yeah?” He says, looking up at me. “What do you want, Lumpy?”

“I like my ridges,” I say, rubbing the top of my head. “My name is Yarvok, and I’m your new cargo handler.”

His brows arch high on his wizened face.

“Is that right, Sparky?”

“That’s right. I’m strong as an Odex, tireless as a Grolgath and I party like a Fratvoyan…but only off the clock, sir.”

“All right,” he says, drumming his pudgy fingers on the desk top. “Let me see your work history chit.”

I eject the chit from my personal compad and hand it over to him. He plugs it into a slot on his desk and my employment history comes up. His eyes widen.