My face heats up as I realize I’m staring.

“I’ve received information that you are the best with children, among all the human women.” The King sounds almost bored. I don’t know if I’m supposed to respond or not, but I give it a try.

“That is difficult to verify, your majesty.” I incline my head. “However, I do run the only school for human young ones.”

“I’m aware,” drawls King Kravath, “but you are to do that no longer. Your new purpose is to tend these three.”

With a gesture, the King waves forward a young Kiphian male struggling to manage a trio of Kiphian toddlers. One of them is trying to bite him.

“Excuse me?” I find myself saying, shock and anger warring in my throat. “Are you trying to offer me a job?”

“No,” says the King with an arrogant laugh. “This is not an offer. It is a command. These brats are your problem now.”



Ikeep my tone curt, so as not to give away how startled I am by the human woman’s beauty. The moment she entered my throne room, I couldn’t look away from her. I caught one tantalizing glimpse of brilliant green eyes before she dropped into a shaky curtsy, and I was mesmerized.

Now she stands before me, those gorgeous eyes blazing. I should be displeased by her lack of deference, but instead, a surge of desire stirs in me for the first time in a long while. I can’t stop myself from gazing at her, noting the way her dark hair cascades in curls over her shoulders. The way her worn clothing clings to her lush curves.

“Excuse me?” She’s speaking, and I straighten at the insolence in her voice. “Are you trying to offer me a job?”

“No.” I laugh at the idea that this human of no consequence has a choice in the matter. She may be beautiful, but she’s still a nobody. “This is not an offer. It is a command. These brats are your problem now.”

“Ah. Well, unfortunately, your majesty, I refuse.” The human crosses her arms. Her face is calm but there’s temper in her voice. “My students need me. There’s no one else to take care of them. With all the kingdom’s resources at your disposal, great King, I imagine you can easily find someone else to take care of whoever these children are.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. How dare this female question me! No, not simply question me—flat out turn down a command from her King. Rage flares in my chest, chasing away the shreds of desire.

“You do not get to refuse,” I say, through gritted teeth. “I am your King. You humans may have your own land, but that land was given to you by me and lies within my Kingdom. You will follow my orders like any other subject of mine!”

“Humans may be your subjects but we’re not your slaves,” she snaps back, her composure cracking. “Do you make a habit of ripping people from their lives on a whim, King Kravath?”

My name on her lips sends a shiver down my back. It almost feels like the blunt spikes of my spine are tingling, but I dismiss that as nonsense. I must be so angry that I’m losing my senses.

“You should be honored to serve me,” I roar. “You don’t know who these children are? They are the offspring of my late brother, Prince Balak of the Second Isle. I am putting royal blood in your care! Your former activities are nothing compared to this prestigious responsibility.”

“For you to say so, you must never have had the joy of children who put their trust and affection in you,” says the woman, her tone cool once more. “My students rely on me and are dear to me. Royal or not, I have no attachment to the children you suggest I tend to.”

“I could destroy your simple school.” I follow the woman’s lead and replace the fire in my voice with ice. “I could do any number of things to make you do as I wish. Yet all I will say is this: you will serve as caretaker to my brother’s triplets, and that’s final. I will pay you handsomely.”

She opens her mouth to spout more brazen defiance, I am sure, but I cut her off. I’m not finished.

“Moreover, if you keep arguing with me, you’ll see no less than a week in the dungeons for your trouble. Do I make myself clear?”

By my last word, fury has made my voice so loud it booms throughout the throne room. For a moment, I am pleased by the flash of fear I see on the human’s face. Then, a familiar wailing begins.

I look down and see that all three of my brother’s brood are sobbing. The page is crouched down among them, frantically trying to shush them. It seems his efforts only make them cry harder.

I jerk up, ready to direct further wrath at the woman who has indirectly caused this irritation. Yet, the words die on my lips.

She’s staring at the miserable triplets, a strange look in her eyes. Her face is pale, and her lips are pursued. I’m not sure what to make of her expression, so I wait.

“You scared them,” she murmurs. “They can tell you’re angry.”

“If I am angry, then it is your insolence that has caused it.” I cross my arms forbiddingly. “Human, I have already spent too much time on you. The nursery, or the dungeon. Make your choice.”

I see the woman’s fists clench at her sides. I prepare myself to dispatch her to the dungeons, but find a strange resistance deep in my chest.