I pull her into me, stuffing my face between her thighs. She cries out, grabbing my head and pressing all of her soft, lush curves against my body. Olivia’s skin is hot and damp from the exertion of her pending orgasm.

The soft petals of her body were open, ready for me, begging for me. She spread her legs, allowing me greater ingress to her most intimate of places.

I suckle on her soft lips, stretching the skin out and getting all of her delicious juices down my throat. She cries out, fingers digging into the ridges on my scalp as I seek to pleasure her. The sounds Olivia makes are just beautiful. I love making her feel good like this.

I run my tongue in circles around her clitoris. She groans, head flying back. I hold her firmly to me, not allowing her to topple over. I envelop her clit with my lips and suck like there’s no tomorrow.

Her scream of orgasm pierces the air. My face is deluged with a flood of her delectable juices, which I greedily lap up.

I half carry her shivering form into the bathroom and set her in the shower. I join her and slide the door shut, caressing her cheek with my palm as the water strikes my broad back. Once it’s sufficiently warm I step out of the spray.

She sighs, a smile coming to her lips as she puts her arms over her head. I accept the invitation and pick up the loofa and a tube of human safe body wash.

I lather up the sponge and then run it in slow circles over her delightful skin. She spins around in a tight circle for me, allowing me to see her from all angles.

I can’t resist putting my mouth on her a few times during the rinse, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Then she takes the sponge and meticulously cleans me from head to toe. When she’s finished, my cock and balls are sparkling clean.

Of course, she makes sure to get them dirty a few times first.

Later, we lay in my bed together. She’s snoring softly, her cheek resting in the crook of my chest and bicep.

I feel like the luckiest Vakutan in the entire galaxy. If there was a way to feel this good all the time, I would take it in a heartbeat.

Olivia is a woman who has everything I need.



You know what they say. There’s no energy like new relationship energy.

I’ve never felt so alive. I said it once, but now I think I can truly grok it in fullness. I’ve never been this, well, happy.

I guess I underestimated how strange and traumatizing my estranged relationship with my mother and father had been. Now that I’m with someone who accepts me and goes out of his way to spend time with me, I realize what I’d been missing all along.

Sometimes sex can make or break a relationship. There can be a lot of build up to the ‘first time’ and it can lead to some serious disappointment if it fails to live up to all of your fantasies. And let’s face it, how often does reality even come close to matching the awesomeness of a fantasy?

Well, in our case the first time was magical and wonderful, hot and steamy, and yet I felt like as good as it was we could do even better.

Time seems to stand still when we’re together, and yet it also flies by in an eyeblink. Yarvok and I still have our morning coffee ritual. The difference is we sometimes do it at his place or mine, and sometimes we walk to the café together.

While we wait for my experts to arrive, we work on getting the plot of land set up for the brewery. First we have to finalize the sale of the land. The whole baboon attack turns out to be a stroke of good luck.

It turns out that the land is infested with the damn things, and not only did the owner know about it he took steps to hide the fact when he put the land up for sale. He hired a hunter to temporarily scare the baboons away long enough for the surveyor to stop by.

Clearing out the space baboons requires a lot more effort and money spent, increasing the overall cost of the land. We manage to negotiate a much lower price than originally offered.

Of course, this makes it our responsibility to clear out the space baboons, but since we covered that cost and then some from the sale, we don't have to pay for it out of pocket on our own.

Once the baboons have been safely, humanely removed from the land, we start building the brewery. It all starts with prefab buildings, of course.

The prefab structures are available for order over the holo net. We use my top of the line projector to make life size renditions of them onto the land.

“The brewery building is bigger than I thought it would be,” Yarvok says, walking through the hologram of the big building and distorting it somewhat. “I guess we won’t have room for that stage after all.”

“Yes we will. Wait until we see it all laid out before you rush to judgment.”

He gives me a dubious look, but agrees to reserve judgment. The stage is snug, but still fits where I thought it would.