He hands me the coffee, effectively ending the conversation. I pull out my com pad and log onto the holo net. When I check the EC Chamber of Commerce page there it is, sure enough. A generous subsidy to start manufacturing libations.
Right when I’m in the middle of reading all of the legal text, my com pad screen flashes with an incoming call. It’s my new boss.
“Yarvok, we’re shipping out in a couple of days. How come you haven’t stopped by the office and signed the contract yet? You know we have to do it in person.”
I cringe on the inside. I have procrastinated long enough, it seems. Only, I don’t want to leave Olivia.
And this brewery business could work.
“I’m sorry, Chief. I’m afraid I have to decline the position.”
“Decline the position? This is the opportunity of a lifetime, son. Are you sure you want to do this?”
I think about Olivia and smile.
“Yes, I am sure.”
The comm turns back to the other screen, which means he ended the call. I figure he must be upset with me, but he should have no trouble filling that crew spot with so many new comers to the colony.
I look up and spot Olivia arriving at last. She stares at the long line with a furrowed brow. I take a deep breath and approach.
Now we will see if I can convince her to go all in on the brewery with me.
The line stretches on forever, it seems. I was only a couple minutes late, but it seems to have made all the difference. Worse, I don’t see Yarvok anywhere. Did he assume I was not coming and leave already?
Then I see him, coming toward me with a smile on his face and two steaming coffees in his hand. My heart just lights up when I see him.
“Good morning,” he says, handing me one of the cups.
“This is for me?” I smile. “Thank you. And good morning, by the way.”
“No reason for you to have to wait in line.”
He’s always smiling when he meets me, but this morning he’s possessed of a kind of infectious energy. I cock my head to the side and give him a look.
“You’re really chipper this morning. What’s going on?”
“I have some interesting news. Did you hear about the Erebus Collective reversing its stance on granting business licenses to breweries?”
I do a double take.
“They what?”
“I know, it was a surprise to me as well. Not only that, but they’re offering a generous subsidy to anyone who wants to start one from the ground up. No big box traders, either, start ups only.”
He turns his com pad around so I can see the screen. I can’t believe what I’m reading.
“This is for real, huh?”
“Oh yes. The rumor is they want to undercut the moon shiners. I guess money talks.”
“So you’re going to do it?” I can’t help but laugh with joy for him. “You’ve been going on and on about this brewery, and you’re finally going to pull the trigger?”
“I wouldn’t say that I’ve been going on and on about it…have I?”