Page 34 of Who We Are

“As the prettiest bartender in Seattle, we’ll give you a job at Thrice.” He winks at me. “But you’re not gonna tend bars forever, are you? You should do something else with your life, like writing.”

Ugh. I shouldn’t have told Matt about my degree or that I enjoy writing in my spare time.

I look up to find his penetrating glare has not let up. “I actually have a gig for you if you’re interested.” He pulls a business card out of his back pocket and hands it to me. Then he places a finger on my lips just before turning his attention to the new band.

Maybe he’ll drop the subject, because I can’t keep avoiding him, can I?



The loud guitarand screeches of Dreadful Souls’ riffs boom from the speakers. I’m not a heavy metal kind of girl. Also, I hate the songs of that band. Nothing against the members. I’m pretty sure most of them are good people. Well, except the drummer. He’s an asshole. It’s a long story I’d rather never repeat.

“So, when are we going out on a date?” Matthew breaks his focus when the band finishes the song.

He doesn’t bother listening to what’s next. I crook a brow, angling my head toward the small stage.

“Oh, they know one of us is here. Jacob, Papa, me… and think playing one of Papa’s old songs will get them an audience with Chris Decker.” He slaps the counter. “Wrong. Now, don’t change the subject. Date. When will you do me the honor of going for some fancy dinner, and… I’ll come up with something romantic?”

I squint, pretending to think about it, then lean closer to softly deliver my answer. “When you start dating, Matt.”

Matthew is a fuck-’em-and-leave-’em kind of man. Like his brother used to be. Many of our customers can attest to that fact. He gets rave reviews too, if the bar chatter is anything to go by.

His irresistible smile fades for a few seconds and returns with full strength after sipping his beer. “But when I do, you’ll be my first, right?” His voice softens and he seals that question with a wink.


“Checking the pond to see what you’re fishing for tonight, Decker?” Reed appears from the back room, shakes hands with Matthew, and leans on the bar to chat with him. “Stay away from T. You know what’ll happen to your balls if you try to sweet-talk her.”

I chuckle, shake my head, and move to the other side of the bar. I love Reed. He’s amazing with me. No, with all his employees. The man protects me like a father and actually cares. A foreign concept for me, as my own started exploiting me when I was six. I leave them to their conversation while I walk around the bar picking up empty glasses, refilling drinks, or taking new orders. Finishing my round, I look around while deciding if I’ll take my break or not. That’s when I catch Matthew’s eyes on me.

For one breath I wonder what would happen if I kissed him, if I touched him, if I let myself take that step. My hand trembles as the consequences of making that one mistake would cost me in the end. I smile politely at him, signal Reed, and head to the break room to chew a piece of gum and clear my mind.

“This room is too small.” Matthew walks in behind me. I frown at him and point at the sign that reads Employees Only. “It’s almost closing time. Reed allowed me to join you in here to continue catching up with you. What’s new?”

“Nothing, really.”

“So, are you dating yet?” I shake my head, giving him yet another round of eye rolling. Why did I confide in him? “Zero sex, huh? I’m concerned about your well-being. Sex is important for one’s health.”

“Is that what keeps you looking so young?” He releases a loud laugh that makes my entire body vibrate. “I bet you’re on booty call number two thousand,” I mock him.

“I cut ties with my last booty call… after she screamed ‘Eight fucking months and you can’t stay longer than a couple of orgasms. What am I to you?’”

My eyes widen. “You responded to that?” I wait for an answer, hoping he is smarter than the average guy.

“No. I feared she might reach some object and projectile it toward me.” He flinches and I suppress the laugh of this big hunk being afraid of anyone busting his balls. “You should be proud, I no longer believe in having booty calls. I never understood why none of them could stick to the rules.”

“Because sex isn’t just sex to everyone.” I lean over the table, getting close to him. “For some, it’s a way to give themselves to the other person. The only-physical-contact-no-strings line you draw can become blurry for your sex partner. That’s why booty calls are a bad idea. One always falls.”

“Is that why you haven’t had sex?” His intense eyes hold my gaze. “Waiting for an old flame, or the right one?”

“Yes.”Let’s go with that. You don’t need to know why I’d rather have a root canal than be intimate with anyone. “Waiting to find the right one is what keeps me… well, waiting.”

Sex is complicated. Many use sex for money, bribes, and even blackmailing. Others do it to feel somethingspecialthat will disappear the moment you finish fucking.

Since I don’t want to continue this conversation, I say, “Tell me more about that crazy life of yours, Decker.”

His superficial problems are fun to listen to, but they’re the prologue to what’s really happening with him.