Fortune smiles on me, as I get back to the cabin before I have to do any serious blizzard driving. I don’t think I’m going anywhere for a bit, as I’m pretty sure Sugar doesn’t have access to a fancy snowmobile like Hood does.

I get into the cabin, and I see that the fireplace is already roaring, Sugar is in front of it stoking the flames in nothing more than an oversized t-shirt. Looking up her legs and following her curves, she looks sexy as hell. She doesn’t need much to keep warm, given that we have the fire and each other to do just that.

“You made it back and you’re not an icicle,” she says, beaming. She dashes over to me and greets me with a hug and a kiss. It’s brief but so damn electric. “The snow’s really kicked into high gear.”

“Nothing we have to worry about now. We got all of Christmas Eve together, babe.”

“Sounds like the best gift I could ask for.”

I chuckle, kicking off my boots and looking her way, hiking that shirt up. There’s nothing underneath, almost like she wants this to happen.

I sure as hell am not going to disappoint her.

She’s clawing at my belt, at my shirt buttons, and everything’s flying off. It’s not long before I’ve got her bent over the sofa, my cock sliding down her ass and toward her slit. She’s giggling as I pull the shirt up and over her head, her breasts flying free.

We know one another so well now. Our desires are so intense that I’m thrusting into her all the way, my cock going into her to the hilt, causing her to cry out in pleasure, enjoying the tightness of her around my steel rod of a cock.

I take hold of her big tits, holding onto her as I come at her quickly. She’s no fragile little girl, she’s all woman, and more importantly, she’s my woman.

My hands roam over her body, exploring each and every inch of her, yearning for and enjoying all of her to the fullest.

Every penetration vibrates through her, a rumbling moan through her form, as she nibbles on her lip, barely hanging on through everything I’m doing to her, blissfully crying out for me again and again.

We hit such a wondrous rhythm with one another, the surge of delight bouncing between us, each of us working in tandem to enjoy one another to the absolute fullest.

My bare cock inside her fills me with so many desires and emotions. I want to fill her with my seed, with my children. I want to grow old with her and watch as our sons and daughters grow up around us. I want to help provide the milk for her own booming bakery. And she’ll provide milk in other ways.

A dream life for the two of us, made an absolute reality.

She satisfies everything I could ever want or need and I’m madly in love with her because of it. I hold her close and tight as she arches into me, our faces getting close. I steal a brief kiss as I continue to fuck her, the heat between us so intense that I barely even notice the fire roaring nearby.

Sugar melts into me as I fuck her, as I bring her home with a brief massage of her sweet clit, making her seize up, making her moan, making everything we’ve been working for come together. Her pussy squeezes me, urging me, milking me.

The intense pressure of it all gives me no choice but to obey her and flood her with every last drop of the white stuff I had within.

We collapse over the sofa, lying across the top of it awkwardly. But she’s in my arms, so there’s no place more comfortable. She’s giggling as I slide us down onto the couch properly, her still in my arms.

“So much milk in my cookie,” she whispers.

“I can’t help it if your cookie just looks like it needs to be coated in it. You make it too tempting, Sugar.”

Sugar sighs, as content as I’ve ever heard her.

Then I remember one of the other reasons I left – not just to milk the cows, but to sneak into town to get something for her. So I rudely interrupt our embrace to shuffle off the couch.

“What’s up?” she says, knowing something is askew if I cease putting my hands all over her naked body.

I fish something out of my jeans pocket. I look outside, seeing that the snow is really coming down hard. “I was going to take you home for Christmas, Sugar. To meet my family.”

She looks out the window as well. “Might not be happening anytime soon.”

“But it’ll happen. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days, but regardless, it’s well past time that I let my family meet my fiancée.”