Come all over my belly, all over my tits, way more than before.

Rainier is so very pleased, an endless smile on his face. “You’re way too good at that, Sugar. A true prodigy of dick-sucking.”

I chuckle. “I... I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“But maybe we should clean you up. I’m a bit hungry and we can’t stay here forever, no matter how horny we are.”

I nod.

He offers me his hand. “How about a shower?”

I nod, because I’ve got Rainier’s come all over my body.

I should enjoy this night to the fullest. I should stop thinking, stop worrying so much. Just because my mother betrayed me doesn’t mean everyone will.



Sugar tries to go into the shower alone. Gets the hot water going, closes the door, and starts an everyday typical shower.

I have something better in mind.

She’s in there, buck-naked and hotter than Hell, and my cock is already hard despite her sucking me off like a champion twice so close together.

I try to resist. I did tell her we were cleaning up for dinner, after all.

But I am only a man.

I approach, open the door gently, and find her looking right at me, not a single bit of surprise on her face. “What took you so long?”

“Common decency. Deciding what chance there was of you just legitimately wanting a shower.”

“I do want a shower,” she replies, before her grin curls. “But I also want you.”

I step in behind her and waste little time closing my hands around her form, my fingers sliding between her legs. She is hot and wet, and that has nothing to do with the temperature or presence of the water. She moans softly as I run my fingers across her clit. She bends into me, and we share a long, potent kiss.

I feel those wonderful breasts of hers, her abdomen, her sides, all of her. I just want to explore each and every inch of her. One hand remains between her legs, sliding over her clit and into her pussy, tickling her again and again, setting a good, solid pace.

I’m just enraptured by her. Addicted to her. I haven’t even properly fucked her yet and I’m crazy about her, and all of this is after only a few hours. I never thought I could fall in love with someone so fast, but damn if Sugar isn’t just full of surprises.

As I continue to finger-fuck her, I lean in, whispering softly into her ear, just loud enough that she can hear me over the pitter-patter of the shower’s water, “I need to talk to you about this ‘no strings attached’ idea of yours, Sugar.”

She gasps. “What’s the matter?”

“I don’t think that’s going to work for me. I’m not a one-night stand kind of guy.”

“Uh..” She purrs as I continue to finger her as if my actions are in direct conflict with my words.

“I want love. I want romance. I want a relationship.”

“Do you now?” Her words are hollow, her eyes averted from me. She moans for me though, and I keep up the pressure.

“I think we could be beautiful together. We’ve already done so many wonderful things in such a short time.”

“Yeah, we have,” her voice weak, moaning, breaking up her words.

She’s getting closer. Maybe when I have two fingers shoved inside her pussy isn’t the best time to discuss our future, I realize. I caress her cheek and take another kiss from her, which she gladly gives.

Then, I bring her home. Pumping into her with determination, I let her sing out my praises, letting them echo through the bathroom, holding her up as she struggles to stay standing.

“You’re just so fucking beautiful, Sugar. I simply can’t believe it.”

“Uh huh,” she says, drained of energy and desire, however temporarily.

I help her through cleaning herself up, washing her back, and rising myself off as well.

She’s oddly silent through all of it. Worry starts to brew in me, but I realize she has to be tired after everything we’ve done, and with what her mother did to her, she has to be emotionally exhausted on top of the physical exhaustion.

Hunger ain’t helping things. After we’ve dried off, I go down and get dinner out of the oven, spooning out some potatoes, glazed carrots, and the rotisserie chicken. She takes her time before coming down, dressing fully whereas I’ve just tossed on my jeans and slapped on an apron.

I’d go without the jeans, but I want us to contain our lusts just long enough that we can eat.

She sits down and starts to quietly eat, not a single word out of her mouth. It dawns on me that there’s something terribly wrong.

“Spill it,” I say as I sit across from her.

“Spill what?”

“Tell me what’s wrong, Sugar. You went from giggling and horny to sad within the span of five minutes. There has to be something bothering you. Still worried about what your mom did?”