“Nikki!” Winter called her name and she turned to see the other woman rushing toward her. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?” Winter asked.
Nikki shook her head. “I just got here.”
They hugged briefly as the hostess gathered two menus and led them to a table by the window, placed down their menus, and left them alone.
“So how are you?” Winter asked. “You look tan,” she said, smiling.
“I was on an island in the Bahamas.”
“Oooh, nice. At least you were somewhere you could relax, though I’m sure it’s been hard getting through the week.”
Nikki nodded. “Both are true. The trip itself was amazing but overall it’s been rough. But I’ve had good support from my brother and… friends.” She used the term loosely because she’d had Asher, who was more than her friend, and she’d had his family there for her, too. There hadn’t been anyone else.
Winter studied her for a long moment, her gaze narrowed and her expression astute. As if she were trying to read Nikki, her tone and body language.
“Any friend in particular?” she asked at last. “You said you were with your brother’s friend, right?”
Nikki never had a woman she trusted to talk to about relationships. She was going to believe her gut and confide in Winter. “We’re in a relationship,” Nikki said. “I think. I mean we’re together but it’s private right now.”
Winter leaned forward in her seat. “I’m listening.”
“He has concerns about us.”
“Like what?”
With a sigh, Nikki admitted, “My age and the fact that my brother is his best friend. Asher thinks I’m too young to be sure of what I want and that Derek will be furious after he trusted Asher to bring me to his island retreat.”
Winter shook her head. “Men. They always think they know what’s best for us. I don’t care if you’re twenty-one or thirty-one, you can make decisions for yourself.”
“Agreed! And my brother doesn’t get to dictate who I fall in love with…” She trailed off, realizing what she’d just admitted. “Umm, so yeah. That.”
Winter’s smile was warm and understanding. “I won’t say a word. Just know I’m here to listen.”
“Thank you. As soon as I find out who set me up and took the photos, I’ll make my play. Right now I’m staying with him anyway. It gives me time to cement the relationship.”
Winter laughed. “Something tells me the man won’t know what hit him.”
“That’s the plan.” Nikki could only do her best.
She and Asher had been sleeping together every night, unable to keep their hands off each other, and they spent time talking over breakfast and late at night. Either he felt the same way about her as she did about him, or he didn’t.
“No matter what happens in the future, he’s been there for me in ways no one else has, and I will always be grateful,” she said. Though the pain would be intense if he broke things off.
“Well, if he’s a smart man, he won’t let you go. I’m glad he’s been there for you.” She paused, then asked, “What about your parents?”
It was public knowledge who Nikki’s mother and father were, so it wasn’t a shock that Winter would ask. “They… aren’t thrilled, obviously.” She didn’t know Winter well enough to go into a sob story about her relationship with them.
Winter picked up a water glass and took a sip. “I saw the press conference where your father refused to answer questions about the photos, and your mother requested they focus on political issues and not things that didn’t impact them.” Winter winced by way of apology.
Apparently, Derek had spared Nikki that information, and she swallowed over the lump in her throat. “My parents and I have a difficult relationship,” she managed to say.
“Can I get you ladies drinks?” The server walked over, interrupting them.
Nikki glanced up. “I’ll have a mimosa, please.” If she was going to talk about her parents, some champagne would help. She looked at her friend. “Winter, want to indulge?”
“You know what? That sounds perfect.”
The waiter tipped his head in acknowledgment. “Okay, I’ll be back.” He turned and walked away.
Before Winter could pick up the thread of conversation about Nikki and her family, Nikki decided a conversation change was in order. “What about you?” she asked. “How have your interviews with the owners of K-Talent been?”
“Very productive,” she said. “Sasha and Cassidy are like sisters. They’re so close and think alike. Their vision for the company is to showcase women, how they see the world, and how they are impacted by life. In my opinion, their movie choices are thoughtful as well as impactful.”
Nikki smiled. “I love to hear that. I’m hoping to get a job with them. Oh! You didn’t mention him but I know you interviewed Harrison Dare, too. I met him last week. I was staying at his brother’s place, as a favor to my brother, and Harrison came down for his parents’ anniversary. Anyway, he had very complimentary things to say about you.”