Gedeon had been in a fierce state of arousal. He always wanted sex. He was ready to have sex with anyone—usually perfect strangers—just as long as they weren’t her. He had used her toy to get her off. He’d used his fingers and his mouth. He’d been excellent with his mouth. But he hadn’t used his cock. He hadn’t touched her with his body.

Her face and entire body burned with shame. Hastily, uncaring that her head was close to exploding at every movement, she made her way to the bathroom and stood under the shower. She knew this day would come. She’d prepared for it. She just had to act normal and not tip anyone off—meaning Rene.

Very carefully, she braided her hair and dressed for the day. The three-word text she’d dreaded to send went out to a woman who owed her a favor. There was no doubt in her mind: that woman would drop everything and be there for her.

She had cash stashed and she put it in a money belt that went around her waist along with a new identity. Her hands were steady as she looked around her apartment. She would have to leave everything behind. That was one of the hardest things to do. There were always little things one would get attached to. She’d never allowed herself to get attached to people before, other than Libby. Now there was Gedeon—and maybe Rene, if she was telling the truth.

Refusing to dwell on what she couldn’t change, she put on her shoes and texted Rene.

Am heading to Café Du Monde for my usual. Want anything?

Every morning she went out and got coffee, and she always asked him if he wanted anything. Sometimes he did, but most of the time he said no. She sent up a silent prayer he would say no. That would give her more time before anyone realized she was gone. She liked to drink her coffee on the bench by the river. There might be someone watching her. At times when Gedeon worried she wasn’t safe, he had someone keeping an eye out. If there was a guard, that would be okay, because he would report she was doing all the things she normally did.

No thanks. You all right this morning?

She sent him several emojis of an exploding head.

Never drinking again.

Meiling walked out of her beautiful suite. It had been the first real home she remembered ever having. She didn’t look back as she walked briskly along the sidewalk toward her favorite café. She didn’t want to chance running into Rene face-to-face. She didn’t want to try to say good-bye without appearing to do so. She might not be able to pull it off.

She couldn’t blame this disaster on Gedeon. He’d always been straight with her about what his needs were when it came to sex. What his preferences were. She’d been the one with the fantasies.

She distinctly remembered him scolding Slayer, telling him to wait for the female to rise before he could see if they were compatible. That had been her biggest fear. She’d known all along Gedeon would want to find a mate for Slayer and he’d look to her female. Meiling calmed Slayer. It stood to reason he would expect her female, if she was on her first life cycle, to be well matched to Slayer.

If Slayer claimed her female, Meiling would be put in an untenable position with Gedeon. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She had spent a lifetime being rejected. Gedeon had rejected her last night. She was tired of never being good enough. If she was ever going to be with a man, he had to look at her with absolute love, the way Fyodor Amurov looked at Evangeline. It was going to be all or nothing for her. She wasn’t going to be wanted because her leopard had a mate. Whisper could just do without. She’d take her far away from any shifters and they’d both just suffer until the heat cycle was over.

She walked the exact pace she always did, lifting a hand toward the regulars she saw every day on her journey to the café. Was this how Laverne felt when she knew she would have to disappear entirely? Sorrow weighing her down? What had caused Laverne to make such a permanent decision? One that would take away her career. Force her to leave her friends. Why would she do such a thing?

And Edge Wilson, the bodyguard. Why would he ruin his very distinguished career? Had the two fallen in love? There was no hint of impropriety. Not one. There were cameras everywhere. Paparazzi. And yet never once had there been the slightest suspicion that Laverne was cheating on Guy. That couldn’t be said the other way around. Guy Hawkins had a certain reputation with women. He never commented on it, but judging by the way his eyes had devoured her, she believed the rumor mill.