He devoured her, savored her, used his tongue and teeth like a weapon. He brought her to orgasm again and again until she yanked at his hair, desperate for him to stop and give her a chance to catch her breath. The fiery heat wasn’t subsiding. It never did right away, not in him, and it refused to in her. It was hell descending on them, yet at the same time, the leopard’s enthrallment was paradise. Fire and damnation. Never-ending. There was no way to be gentle, not with the terrible demand claiming both of them.

Somehow—Gedeon wasn’t even aware of how it happened while he was eating her out—she managed to turn around under him. Then she had her mouth on him, eager to swallow him down, no matter how impossible the task. Lightning flashed through his entire body, struck with furious force right at his groin so that he pulsed and throbbed, his girth growing even more. He pushed at the soft tissues of her mouth. So hot. His hips matched the rhythm of his tongue stabbing deep into her pussy. His teeth scraping. His fingers flicking.

He drove her up fast, so she was riding him, but she didn’t let loose of her prize. Not even when he began to take control, pushing deeper, needing a release, knowing it was going to be powerful. His entire body shuddered. Every nerve ending, every cell was centered in one hot, fiery explosion. Her shattered cry was muffled as his seed poured down her throat. His cock jerked over and over, on and on in a never-ending release that managed to finally sate him.

Gedeon collapsed over her, his head on her belly, his heart slamming against his chest, shocked that for once his cock actually relaxed. Beneath him, the tension in Meiling’s body eased and her temperature finally returned to normal. She turned her head away from him and closed her eyes.

Gedeon waited until his strength returned before he cleaned Meiling up as best he could. Then he showered and got in bed beside her, curling around her protectively. They were going to have a very long talk in the morning. Right now, all he wanted to do was go to sleep.

* * *

* * *

MEILING flung her arm over her eyes so they wouldn’t burn out of her head from the light escaping the blinds. Her stomach lurched the moment she moved, and her head threatened to explode. She tried hard not to think. Not to allow one single thought to enter her mind so she wouldn’t have to face the repercussions of her behavior. Whisper had risen just enough to make her insane with the need for sex. Instead of locking herself in her room, she’d gone out to a club and danced and drunk and acted like a crazy woman. Worse, she’d acted like a leopard in heat.

She covered her face with her hands and rolled over. Gedeon had found her and brought her home. He knew. There was no way he didn’t. He’d brought her back to her room and Whisper’s scent was everywhere. She spread her fingers wide and peeked through them to look around her bedroom. He wasn’t there. The relief was tremendous. She didn’t have to face him when she felt like her head was falling off her body and she couldn’t quite think straight.

There was a note pinned to the pillow right beside her. Very gingerly, as if it might detonate, she held it up and read it several times. There was no denying Gedeon’s masculine scrawl. He’d left to track down their first real tip on the Hawkins case. They might actually have a lead on a trail to Laverne. He couldn’t miss the meet with the informer, but he would be back as soon as possible so they could talk. Take the aspirin on the nightstand. Drink all the water in the bottle. The glass containing what looked like brown goo would do wonders for her headache and lurching stomach. Drink it all. Trust him, the concoction worked. Sleep in. He’d hurry and they’d get back on track when he returned.

Meiling forced herself into a sitting position. Everything hurt—even her eyelashes. Clearly she wasn’t cut out to drink. “I’m sorry, Whisper. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. How do people do this? And why? It isn’t worth it.” She downed the two pills set out for her and drank a good portion of the water while she eyed the brown liquid in the glass suspiciously.

Next to the glass was her toy. The events of the night came flooding back, crowding into her brain whether she wanted to remember or not. Hot blood crept up her neck into her face. Shame filled her. She’d begged Gedeon to fuck her. Pleaded with him. She’d done everything but assault him. For all she knew, she’d done that as well. Certainly she’d thrown herself at him.