Rene came back inside and made his way upstairs. His shoulders were slumped, and he looked defeated.

“I take it she was upset.”

“I put her in a cab and tried to give them your home address, but she waved me away and shut the door. I don’t think she’s going home, Gedeon.”

“Who do you have on her?”

“Man by the name of Gray Duncan. He’s human, not a shifter. He’s older and wouldn’t bother her even if she did catch him—which I suspect she might. She’s too polite to be rude to an older man.”

“By ‘older’?”

“He’s pushing seventy. Likes to keep busy and asked me for work whenever I had it available. He’s sharp as a tack, Gedeon. I’ve always been able to rely on him.”

Gedeon didn’t know whether to be happy or angry about the fact that the man was older and not a shifter. At least he wouldn’t be trying to cement a relationship with Meiling.

“Contact him and find out her destination. I’m heading out, and if she isn’t on her way home, I’ll need to know where to get her.”

“She wasn’t happy.”

“I could see that.”

“She knew you were the one who sent her away.”

Gedeon shrugged. “I was the one. I wouldn’t want her blaming you for something I did. When you were up close to her, did you get any inkling of a leopard?”

Rene shook his head. “I even asked my leopard to pay attention. He said he couldn’t detect a female leopard close, but I absolutely believe there’s a female about to emerge.”

Gedeon believed it too. He often just knew things, and ever since they left San Antonio, he had been getting so moody and edgy for no apparent reason; it had started to dawn on him that Fyodor had brought those shifters together because he had sensed her female leopard becoming ready to rise. Gedeon was too close to her. He’d been with her for a year and took her for granted. He’d noticed her enhanced beauty, but he was used to her glowing skin and shiny hair.

Her sudden mood swings were few and far between. He was far moodier than she was, and he’d spent his time trying to calm Slayer. By the time it occurred to him that the problem wasn’t Slayer or him, that it was Meiling, it was too late. She had walked into his bedroom, and he’d been having rough sex with another woman. That might as well have put an entire ocean between them.

“Got a text from Gray. Says she went to the Hot Nights Club in Algiers. She just waltzed right in. No one asked her for a cover fee, just showed her to the bar,” Rene said. “Men are lining up to buy her drinks.”

Gedeon slipped on his jacket. “I’ll bet they are.”

“I’ll follow you and have some of the crew meet us there. This could get ugly.”

Gedeon ignored the offer. It didn’t matter if it got ugly. No one was touching Meiling tonight, not even him. If she was drinking, which she never did, she wouldn’t be in control. That meant someone had to look after her. That someone was going to be him. No one would be taking advantage, especially not the man who loved her.

He made the trip to the Algiers club in record time. He’d been there a few times and knew the owner. He’d done a couple of favors for him. He didn’t bother with the line or the security guards. He’d texted ahead and met the owner, a man by the name of Felix Jeansonne, at a private entrance.

Felix let him in. “I already had her surrounded by my personal guards before I got your text, Gedeon,” he greeted. “I knew she was trouble the moment she walked in.”

“We got into a fight,” Gedeon said. “Meiling and I don’t ever fight. She doesn’t drink either. So this is all a first for us.” Deliberately, he sounded rueful. “I had no idea she’d go out dancing alone.”

“It’s clear she has no idea what she looks like.”

Gedeon walked down the hall with Felix. “No, that’s part of her charm. She has no clue.”

“You brought a crew with you?”

“I told them to hold back. I was certain you’d have everything under control. But when my woman gets pissed, she can be difficult.” He laughed, sharing with Felix what it was like to have a rowdy woman. Felix would know. His woman was as sassy as hell and the man wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I will say this for you, Gedeon, you chose well. She’s gorgeous, but you may find yourself having to fight to the death to keep her.”

Gedeon heard the warning in Felix’s voice. He nodded. “I’m well aware. She’s worth it. She doesn’t ever do this. It’s on me. I did something stupid, and I hurt her. She’s got every right to be angry with me. I imagine she thought she’d just go out dancing and drinking and then come home.”