The swamp had been cut back, baring more land on the east side and giving those coming from the river to the Mercier property room to walk easily over to the west side, where there was a large section set up for picnics amid fields of wildflowers.

Meiling studied the trees in the swamp where the Spanish moss hung like long lacy bluish-gray veils. The shooter would need a clear view not only to the pier, but also to the picnic area, where they would have their discussion with Donovan. The sniper couldn’t risk changing locations. That meant there were only so many trees he could be in.

Gedeon guided their boat in slowly.

I need a couple of minutes, she advised, not risking talking aloud. Both Gedeon and she could read lips. There was always the possibility the sniper could as well.

Gedeon bent down and began fiddling with something on the floor of the boat as she sat waiting, seemingly patiently. It was natural for her to look around at her surroundings. Mostly she appeared to be looking at the field of gorgeous flowers, but she’d already narrowed her suspect trees down to three. One of the three, the only real sturdy branch that would hold a sniper, would make the angle awkward—not impossible, just awkward. She dismissed it.

The second tree was dead center between the other two and seemed the likeliest choice. She flicked it another quick glance, storing the details quickly before switching her gaze back to the field of wildflowers. In her mind, she went over the specifics of the trees, every little aspect. The tree seemed so perfect, the branches offering up the perfect crotch for a sniper to lie in and set up his weapon. Lacy moss hung down to give him plenty of cover. It would be difficult for anyone to spot him. At the same time, he had a good field of vision for the picnic area and part of the pier. What he didn’t have was vision on the river itself or where the boats would be tying up, at least not that Meiling could see.

Best guess, sniper is in the tree to the left of the extremely tall cypress, second row back. A gum tree, behind the row of cypress trees.

Gedeon climbed out of the boat onto the pier and took a deliberate look around before tying up and then holding out his hand to her. I spotted him. He’s good. Looks like part of the tree. I wouldn’t have seen him if you hadn’t told me he was there. You wear that vest like I told you?

She smiled at him. Even when he spoke telepathically to her, he could sound bossy. She inclined her head and stepped up to his side, walking with him to meet Drake Donovan and Remy Boudreaux. Both stood waiting at the other end of the pier. Meiling resisted smiling, knowing she was correct and the sniper hadn’t been able to cover them where Gedeon was tying up his boat. Had he been able to see them, Donovan would have used his good manners and come to greet them.

“Gedeon, it’s been a long time,” Drake said, extending his hand. “Meiling. Finally in person. Seeing you in passing has been frustrating. We’re always too busy to visit.”

“Midnight rendezvous in the middle of the swamp are always so intriguing,” Meiling replied. She couldn’t resist laughing at Remy’s expression. “You have to admit, it got you both out here. Thank you for coming. I imagine your wives weren’t so happy giving you up this late. It isn’t midnight but it is the dinner hour.”

Gedeon put a proprietorial hand on Meiling’s lower back as they followed Drake to a picnic table. Drake waved them to the bench, just as Meiling knew he would. Instead of sitting down, she went over to the very edge of the field of wildflowers. The wind was blowing gently, causing a ripple effect much like the wave of an ocean among the flowers. She knelt to tighten the cord on her high boot while still looking out over the fluttering petals and long stems with their various shades of green leaves.

It was easy enough to transfer her gun from her boot to her inside jacket pocket. She could shoot the wings off a butterfly with this gun at the required distance. It wasn’t a rifle, but it didn’t need to be. It just needed to be that accurate and have the range.

“These flowers not only are gorgeous, but they smell unbelievable,” she said as she rose. She looked around her again. “Gedeon, have you been out here before?”

He took her arm and led her back to the picnic table. She subtly pressed toward his left so she could take the seat she needed to cover them. She was incredibly fast. She knew she could leap over the table and be in the field while getting off several shots at the sniper. At the same time, Gedeon could kill both Drake and Remy before Meiling needed to provide him with covering fire.